Derek Setter


Ashworth 220

Institute of Evolutionary Biology

Kings Buildings

The University of Edinburgh

Research Interests 

As a theoretical population geneticist, I am broadly interested in how the evolutionary past shapes the patterns of genetic variation we see today. My primary focus is on the combined effects of natural selection and demography and how they shape the distributions of genealogies and the patterns we observe in modern genomic data.  

Furthermore, I am interested in developing inference frameworks which incorporate genomic information about genealogies otherwise lost to simple summary statistics such as Fst and the SFS.  To that end, my current work is on the inclusion of coalescent approximations for positive selection in the  generating function method for calculating the likelihoods under the coalescent.  


2018 - Present PDRA, Lohse Lab, Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh

2011-2018   PhD: Mathematics, University of Vienna, Detecting signals of adaptive introgression

2006-2011    BSc: Biology- Genetics, University of Kansas

