Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for LogiVote Victory App

Updated: May 18, 2023

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which LogiVote Victory App collects, uses, maintains, and discloses information collected from users (referred to as "Users") of the LogiVote Victory App (referred to as the "App").

Information Collection

1.1 Personal Identification Information:

LogiVote Victory App may collect personal identification information from Users in the following ways:

1.2 Contact Book:

To help activists connect and expand their network of supporters, LogiVote Victory App may access the User's contact book with their explicit permission. This access allows the App to suggest potential supporters from the User's contacts and enable direct or indirect communication between activists and their contacts.

1.3 In Registration Form:

In order to identify the user, we may ask for Full Name, Phone Number, Personal ID, Email Address and their physical address mainly City and Street they may reside. 

Information Use

LogiVote Victory App may collect and use Users' personal information for the following purposes:

1.3 To personalize User experience: We may use personal information to provide customized content, recommendations, and features based on Users' preferences and activities within the App.

1.4 To improve our App: We continuously strive to enhance the functionality and user experience of the App based on feedback and usage patterns.To facilitate communication: Personal information, such as email addresses or contact details from the User's contact book, may be used to facilitate direct or indirect communication between activists and their contacts, as well as to send campaign-related updates and information.

1.3. Personal Identification: 

To create an account and participate in the activities provided by Logivote Victory App, we collect personal identification information, including your full name and personal identification number (such as a Personal ID number) email address and phone number. This information is used for authentication purposes and to ensure the security and integrity of your account.

1.4. Address Information:

We also require your physical address as part of the registration process. This information allows us to verify your identity and tailor certain features of the app based on your geographical location.

1.5 Crash Logs

In order to improve the performance and stability of our app, we may collect crash logs when the app encounters errors or crashes. These logs contain technical information about the error, such as device information, operating system version, and app version. Crash logs are anonymized and used solely for the purpose of diagnosing and fixing issues within the app.

Third-Party Services

2.1 Sign-In Options:

When Users choose to sign in using Google, Facebook, or Apple, please note that they are also subject to the respective platforms' terms of service and privacy policies. LogiVote Victory App does not have control over these external services, and Users should review the relevant policies of these platforms.

2.2 Data Access:

By granting access to the User's contact book, the App may retrieve and store contact information, such as names and phone numbers, to facilitate supporter identification and communication. 

2.3 Changes to this Privacy Policy

LogiVote Victory App reserves the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Users will be notified of any changes through the App or via email. It is the Users' responsibility to review this Privacy Policy periodically. Continued use of the App after any modifications signifies acceptance of the updated Privacy Policy.

2.4 Your Acceptance of These Terms

By using the LogiVote Victory App, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please refrain from using the App. Your continued use of the App following the posting of changes to this Privacy Policy


3.1 When using the application, the user undertakes that the information he is exposed to is solely for election purposes.

3.2 It is not permitted for the user to copy the information or a part of it, reproduce it, or to transfer it to any third party, whether human or machine.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at