
CIMPA School in Mathematical Logic and Applications

8 to 17 of December, 2021

School information

Mathematical Logic is a subfield of mathematics exploring the applications of formal logic to mathematics. Its inception was motivated by the study of foundations of mathematics and it has found applications in many areas, specially in Theoretical Computer Science. The four pillars of Mathematical Logic are Set Theory, Recursion Theory, Model Theory and Proof Theory. This school intends to cover all such subjects, on different levels and with different applications. The proposed five basic courses have the great advantage of requiring no or little prior knowledge. Talking about Set Theory and First Order Logic means establishing a common ground notation for all the formalism that will come from that. And every area in Mathematics can profit from this formal language that will be presented by one of the main active researchers in the field. The three intermediate courses have a very strong inter-disciplinary nature, specially in the study of proofs and how they can be automated or analyzed. This is a trend in the area of Mathematical Logic which is interesting to be pursued. Besides the courses, sessions on proof theory, rewriting logic and automated deduction are planned. This is a flourishing research area, which builds the bridge between pure Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science.

In this setting, the Logic@Natal: CIMPA School in Mathematical Logic with Applications aims to attend a growing community of undergraduate and graduate students in the area, as well as young researchers, focusing preferentially those coming from Latin America. It will be held from 8 to 17 of December, 2021 at UFRN (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal).

Logic@Natal is an official CIMPA (Centre Internacional de Mathématiques Pure et Appliquées) school.

How to register and ask for support?

Undergraduate, graduate students and young researchers from all countries are encouraged to apply. All candidates to the Research School should register in this local link until October 31st, 2021.

Applicants from outside Brazil (any country) are invited to apply for support in this CIMPA link until August 30th, 2021.

Logic@Natal will also select some participants for a limited funding for lodging, but restricted to the ones that could not apply for the CIMPA Scholarship and have no other fundings available. The deadline is October 31st, 2021.

All applicants must send to logicatnatal@gmail.com the following documents (in pdf):

1) Letter of Motivation/Statement of Academic Purpose (maximum 1 page) – Please write a statement on current academic and future career plans as they relate to the topics of the Logic@Natal. Cite relevant academic, professional and personal experiences that influenced the decision to apply for the School. The statement can be written in French, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian or English.

2) Research Abstract (maximum 1 page) – Please write a short research abstract emphasising why the research is relevant to the topics of the Logic@Natal.

3) Short CV (maximum 2 pages) – Please send resume or curriculum vitae including education, up to five main publications, grants received and academic or professional honours.

4) Academic transcript – Please include an official academic transcript proving undergraduate, MsC or PhD enrolments, with courses and grades obtained -- only for students.

5) Supervisor/Undergraduate Professor Recommendation Letter -- the recommendation letter should be sent in separate directly by the recommender -- only for students.


08/12/2021. Foundations of Mathematics (algebra, logic, set theory, category theory).

Lecturers: Samuel G. da Silva (UFBA - Brazil), Manuela Bustamente (Argentina - TBC) e Christina Brech (USP – Brasil - TBC).

09-11/12/2021. Rewriting logic.

Lecturers: Camilo Rocha (PUJ - Colombia), José Meseguer (University of Illinois - USA), Carolyn Talcott (SRI International - USA), Vivek Nigam (Fortiss - Germany) and Santiago Escobar (Universitat Politècnica de València - Spain)

12/12/2021. Excursion

13-16/12/2021. Proof Theory.

Lecturers: Sonia Marin (France), Luiz Carlos Pereira (PUC-Rio - Brasil), Giselle Reis (CMU - Qatar), Dale Miller (École Polytechnique/INRIA Saclay - France), Gilles Dowek (ENS Saclay - France), Mauricio Ayala-Rincón (UnB - Brazil), Thaynara de Lima (UnB - Brazil) and Assia Mahboubi (INRIA - France - TBC)

17/12/2021. SMT solvers.

Lecturers: Haniel Barbosa (UFMG - Brasil) and Pascal Fontaine (France)

Scientific committee

Dale Miller, École Polytechnique/INRIA Saclay.

Elaine Pimentel, UFRN.

Carlos Olarte, UFRN.

Santiago Escobar, Universitat Politècnica de València.

Giselle Reis, CMU Qatar.

Organizing committee

Elaine Pimentel, UFRN.

Carlos Olarte, UFRN.

João Marcos, UFRN.

Cláudia Nalon, UnB.

Dale Miller, École Polytechnique/INRIA Saclay.

Camilo Rocha, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali.


For any other information or request, please write to logicatnatal@gmail.com (languages spoken: French, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and English)