Just above the Traces table, you'll see an input field for you to write a Trace query. Trace queries allows you to search for traces representing transaction flows through your system, using the following filters:

Trace Query Visualizations allow you to visualize the breakdown of where time was spent in traces for various services in your application, the complexity of your traces as well as errors. By aggregating traces, you can gain insights into anomalies and unexpected behaviors, leading to faster Time-to-Resolution (TTR) and a higher Return on Investment (ROI). There are three types of metrics that Trace Query Visualizations offer:

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You can point and drag on a chart or click on any column to further narrow down your results. Clicking on a column in timeseries drills down to its timestamp and service (if present). Clicking on a column in a histogram chart narrows down the selection of traces matching the values of clicked column.

To get the best results from this chart, it is recommended to filter data to represent similar traces of the same transaction, such as login. Running this chart for different transaction types will not provide the insights users need. Similarly, running the chart for all data without any filters is disabled.

To drill down further into your data, the Logs section has links to run searches against related log data. Top links for span/trace IDs work if you have span and trace IDs injected into logs. Lower section links are available and work automatically if you've installed the Sumo Logic Kubernetes Collection.

All details and attributes display in the Metadata tab with pop-up Details for additional event messages and attribute details. For example, during OpenTelemetry Java or Python auto-instrumentation, any exceptions may be traced and attach the exception details automatically onto the relevant span as a Span Event.

Span Links, listed under the Metadata tab, give Spans context. Links can point to Spans inside a trace or across different traces. For example, with links you can represent batch operations, where a Span is initiated by multiple initiating spans, each representing one item being processed in the batch. The links give you the relationship between the originating and the following trace. You can copy the Span ID by selecting the Clipboard icon next to the span link.

Example : I want every line created downstream a circuit breaker feeder, to have the name of this feeder affected in a specific attribute. I have a subnetwork controller which is not my feeder but the transformer in the station. Then I want to trace upstream in the subnetwork, get the first feeder and get its name when I create a cable.

Not sure, reading the documentation, if I can use a text attribute from the result of the trace, as the summary information... But the skip_calc_on_start option does exactly what I want, updating the feature the starting point is coming from.

The batch trace has the option to store the raw summary results on the starting points. You may have to parse and clean them up, then if you want to store them on downstream features, run another batch trace to push them down.

- Lastly, I run a "Batch trace" to update every cable downstream to the circuit breaker, and I want to update the field CBName ('depart' in french), with the circuit breaker name that I calculated previously.

Can you ensure you do not have an older version of the tool on your system. Our only guess is that it is loading a module from an older version of the toolbox. Your stack trace references a function that does not exist anymore.

Monitoring apps and microservices with Sumo Logic Traces provides transactional intelligence for distributed workflows, by combining telemetry from traces, logs, and metrics in the context of real-time automatically tracked application topology.

New user to AD2 running on fedora 23 Mate. I don't know the proper language for the computer display of a logic analyzer in Waveforms so I will use TRACE as the actual logic signal waveform and the TRACE WINDOW as the display box containing the TRACE. I can adjust the TRACE WINDOW height without problem but can find no way to adjust the vertical spacing between adjacent TRACE WINDOWs. Since the logic signal TRACE uses the full height of the TRACE WINDOW, in some cases I can't distinguish the lower level of the TRACE in the upper of 2 adjacent TRACE WINDOWs from the upper level of the TRACE in the adjacent lower TRACE WINDOW. Are there any display adjustments for this that I can't find? Is there anyway to adjust the vertical spacing between adjacent TRACE WINDOWs, or adjust the height of the TRACE within a TRACE WINDOW? I don't have a mac or microsoft computer to check to see if the problem is unique to Linux. As a related issue it would be very nice to be able to reorder the traces without having to remove and redefine them? Drop and Drag?

I played around with the traces (I'm not sure what the official language is for them either), but unfortunately was not able to find a way to adjust the trace height within it's trace window. All I was able to do was adjust the individual trace window heights, but the traces would expand so that they touched both the top and bottom of the window just as you found. I'm on a Windows computer, so I suspect this is a common thing between all versions of Waveforms. I can ask the appropriate engineer to see if this could be something that can be put on a list for a future revision.

I was able to find a way to reorder the traces though: on the very far left there is a column of blank space where you can click on the trace window you want and drag above or below another trace window to move it. However, this only works for separate trace "groups". For example, with the SPI bus trace, you cannot rearrange the Select, Data, and Clock among each other, but you can take the whole SPI bus trace set to go above or below a I2C bus trace or a second SPI bus trace.

In the custom logic for the field yy1_zhdrprnt2_pdh_000, copy the following code.

This code will copy the content from a standard field, purchaseorder-supplyingplant into the custom field, yy1_zhdrprnt2_pdh_000, where supplyingplant is filled.

Open the trace. In Trace Hierarchy, choose the last call of BAdI implementation YY1_FILLHEADERCUSTOMFIELD_000.

(This is necessary because the BAdI implementation is called several times.)

Then choose the parameter Purchase Order.

At the heart of most scheduling software is the Gantt chart. But using the Primavera P6 trace logic feature is useful if you are interested in better understanding the relationships between activities.

This schedule has been progressed one month, January. The blue bars on the Gantt chart are completed work, green non-critical future work, and red critical future work. To display the trace logic select View | Show on bottom > Trace Logic, Figure 2.

You may also print the trace logic of an activity below the Activity Table and Gant chart. Trace Logic is definitely a tool you want in your arsenal to help you better understand and diagnose issues with your schedule.

The activity BA2020 Excavation has been selected, and the Trace Logic in the bottom layout displays the predecessors and successors for Excavation. We are able to trace the possible impact of the delay in the Excavation on its successors. Notice that the selected activity is displayed with a blue border in the Trace Logic. Also, notice that activities on the critical path (such as BA2030 and BA2040) are displayed with a red border around the activity box. You can use the zoom-in and zoom-out features to view the trace logic as well as the contents of the activity boxes.

Our logic analyzers are the perfect extensions to our debug and trace tools. They allow the recording of digital and analog signals, which can be correlated to the recorded program flow. This way it is easy to verify signal-timings which are initiated by the application software or to calculate the power consumption of specific program parts.

Easily verify program code against signals. Traditionally, the use of multiple separate tools has been required to sample program flow and logic signals, making correlation a tricky task indeed. With TRACE32, you can drive both tools from a single UI with cross-triggering and a common timestamp, allowing the verification of software changes and signal behavior. Using a familiar interface and tool suite reduces training time and makes you more productive, allowing you to focus on the problem instead of juggling multiple disparate tools.

Configure, control and capture from within the familiar TRACE32 GUI. By using the same TRACE32 UI and scripting language that you use for your debug sessions, you can get up to speed with logic sampling quickly and intuitively. The close integration with the debugger allows for cross-triggering of hardware and software events to provide precise control. Logic signals can be streamed to the host PC in real-time, providing almost limitless recording time.

Take advantage of the unrivalled number of tracking and cross-correlation options between logic signals and program flow trace; a click in one window will jump the cursor to the same timestamp in any other, even matching zoom levels in both windows. Match signals to the application code designed to create or respond to those same signals. Comprehensive measuring and timing tools are provided to enable complex analyses such as best/worst case latencies and signal-software cross-timing.

Measuring target voltage and current consumption allows you to monitor the energy consumption of your device. Sampling these alongside program flow trace gives you the ability to determine where your application code is more and least energy efficient. Instead of optimizing just for speed, you can now optimize your application for energy usage, extending battery life or making your system more sustainable. Easily locate areas of minimum, mean and maximum power consumption. e24fc04721

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