Since the test above can't catch if somebody by accident adds another call such as add("3") in the last. Please notice that we don't care about other method invocations on A again afterwards. We also don't care about the times of the method called, the sequence of the methods called. The key point here is if we can verify the last true argument on a certain method of a certain mockedObject.

If you ask why do you need such functionality, I'd say in real world we might need to handle some logic that set something and the last set wins, and in order to avoid someone by accident set some other thing unexpected and I'd like to use our UT to catch this. And in order not to make the test too complex and neat, so I only expect to verify the last call on a certain method of a object instead verify something like order/noMoreInteractions/AtMostTimes and so on.

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Mockito provides a powerful and broad toolkit to work with mocks. Some features such as verify and more particularly verify that no more interaction was detected about a mock or a specific method of the mock make your test more complex to read and to maintain.

As well as, currently you want to check that the invocations on a mock were performed in a specific order. But you generally want to use these checks only as required that is according to the business/logic scenarios, not technical invocations.

For example supposing that in the tested method you have a case where for business reasons the mocked method is invoked 3 times and another case where the mocked method is invoked 2 times. It could make sense to check that it is only invoked 2 times and not more in the case with two expected invocations.

But in a general way, you should be cautious that your unit test doesn't overuse mocking verify that could look like as a assertion on the description of the flow and not a assertion on the behavior/logic.

Thanks @staszko032, inspired by the ArgumentCaptor, instead of getAllValues and verify the sequence, we can use getValue of captor since captor's getValue always get the last true argument. We can do it like this:

I believe Genesys Cloud tracks all calls as 'Journeys'. Thus I should be able to find the last time a customer journey has been updated or go a bit deeper and add logic to look at the time of the newest call. I did test my theory and used the following api's in the API Explorer:

Long story short, I am trying to create a data action or series of data actions to do this logic, but am running into roadblocks. I can get the queries to run in the API explorer but not in the Data Actions. I am certainly not a developer at heart, however the Genesys toolset looks pretty user friendly?

I discovered with AAX plugins that the block size value (that I get with the function getBlockSize() ) didn't always match the blocksize parameter of the last call to prepareToPlay. The value returned by getBlockSize() was greater than needed.

As a result, my FFT arrays were too large compared to the buffer size, and that was uselessly costing CPU.

There's also a version of the spec called Web Applications 1.0 (for nostalgic reasons) that has all of the above as well as a number of other specs, namely Web Storage, Web Database, Server-sent Events, and the Web Sockets API and protocol, all together in one document. With the exception of the Web Database spec, they're all now in last call at the WHATWG.

You suggested creating a logic hook which is a better suggestion in my opinion as like you said you could use the same repeated functions and have the ability to customise and optimise it for performance.

Would like to update a custom Last Activity Date (LAD) field for Accounts to make sure our Sales Professionals (SP) are following up with Leads and Customers. Anytime they send and email, make a Call, or setup a Meeting is considered an Activity. In the end, I will have two reports, one showing Accounts with no Activity in the last 30 days and another with Leads with no Activity in the last 30 days.

I have workflows for Calls (one for editing existing and another for a new call). I have Call workflow for any call Related To a Lead, Account, Contact, or Opportunity. Then a separate workflow to update the Account. For example, if a call is related to an Opportunity, the custom Opportunity LAD field is updated. This update triggers another workflow which updates the Account the Opportunity is related to.

Most of the time, this process works for Calls associated with Leads, Contacts, Accounts, and Opportunities. The only time it fails is if I create a Call using the Create button on the top menu bar and associate it with a Lead or a Contact. If I use this button and associate it with an Account or Opportunity it works. If I go directly to the Lead or Contact and create a call, then the process works as well, meaning the Lead or Contact LAD are updated which then kicks off a workflow and updates the Account LAD.

The issue is related to **window.requestAnimationFrame() .**The number of callbacks is usually 60 times per second, but generally match the display refresh rate in most web browsers as per W3C recommendation.

Part of that reset is taking a look at your resources. Before you can strategize about your next call campaign, take a break, take a breath, and think about where you want to go. Take a look at the past so that you can plan a better future.

In fact, taking time to organize your list of prospects is one of the best ways to start working on a call campaign. In any group of numbers, you probably have a mix of warm leads, follow-up calls to make, people to cold call, and current customers to check in with.

So, you should only call it once. If it returns true, a state change is needed. The new state depends on the old state and which button was pressed, although the last code you posted only concerns itself with one button.

In an effort to self debug, I re-ran the above test on a brand new order (exact copy) but this time, at the end before the last UpdateMaster I called GetById to load a clean object. Then I set the SH.ReadyToInvoice = true, SH.RowMod = U properties, and then called the final UpdateMaster and got a reply back:

Actually, there's one number that seems clear. The title of this teaser video is Scream @ 215 mph, which certainly seems like a very plain way of announcing the Challenger's top speed. But the video itself presents more numbers: 105, 3.02, 2.98, and 1,582. And we can't ignore the scary leprechaun screaming into an anemometer. This teaser isn't as weird as the red-eyed leprechaun turning into a yellow-eyed beast, but it certainly calls for a thinking cap.

The temptation might be to chalk up that 1,582 number to horsepower, but Dodge says the "answer is blowing in the wind" in the teaser video description. That doesn't sound like a hp clue, but it could reference airflow in terms of cubic feet per minute (CFM). This is a common measurement used by automakers for airflow into an engine, and in fact, the spec sheet for the 2018 Dodge Challenger Demon lists its CFM at 1,150. If this car is making more power than the Demon, it's going to need more air. The logic is sound, though 1,582 is a hefty jump.

But it is just a theory. Full disclosure will come March 20 in Las Vegas with the debut of the last Hemi-powered Dodge Challenger. In the meantime, keep your calculators and wizard hats nearby because one more teaser video will drop before the covers on this Last Call Challenger are lifted.

2-There is a tiny logic issue in safeBatchTransferFrom: The error string line 89 in safeBatchTransferFrom will never be reached, because_checkApprovalForBatch never returns false, it either returns true or reverts line 111 if one of the ids to be transferred does not have sufficient allowance.

Did you do a last call for drinks at your wedding or just let the bar close quietly. I'm trying to decide. Our grand exit is at 10. Would it make sense to do a last call for drinks at 9:30? Or would it kill the last 30 min of the party? Thanks!

The venue had a last call about 30 min before. It would be good to announce for people to get last drinks! People will probably still be dancing until the end filled with the alcohol they already consumed lol

Our night is ending at 1 am. Regardless of whether or not it is something that is typically done, I would like a last call. As a guest I appreciate a reminder that the night is coming to an end, and if I want any last drinks to go get them. I think it will also help wind down the evening... as in remind people they have to leave soon lol. I'm hoping everyone is busy having fun and will need the reminder

@shdwboxrr9, while I "sort of" understand the logic, the truth is, if someone has had even one drink they should not be driving; and if the person is consciously choosing to chug drinks even though they plan to drive, I don't think this is a result of having a last call; this is a result of that person being an irresponsible a**hole.

I've been to a wedding with last call, and yes, we chugged our last two drinks; but we did so knowing that we were taking a cab home. Had I been driving, I wouldn't have been drinking in the first place. Its similar to saying, "I'm not going to have an open bar, because people can't control themselves."

Unless the couple or venue manager insists on the DJ announcing last call during the dance party, letting the bar close quietly at a wedding feels classier to the occasion. Some venues put out a sign of when last call will be as a reminder.

Typically, I'll group things together so I can process things differently. I wouldn't use the method you're asking about. I assume this is just an example of how to create many different macro variables at once. I can't really see how to use that. I can always do the following: 2351a5e196

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