Our Services 

Initial Consultation 

The first visit will involve a history, physical examination and, if deemed safe by the Chiropractor, treatment. If x-rays are required they are bulk billed through an external provider. Please note, x-rays are not a requirement for treatment.

The first visit can take up to 30 minutes.

Standard Chiropractic Consultation 

A standard appointment is the regular appointment required for patients who have completed the initial consultation. 

This appointment time can take up to 15 minutes.

GP Management Plan (Medicare - EPC)

A referral from your GP is required and appropriate paperwork needs to be completed. The first visit is necessary and will involve a history, physical examination and, if deemed safe by the Chiropractor, treatment. If x-rays are required they are bulk billed through an external provider. Standard appointments are then offered to patients.

No out of pocket expenses to the EPC patient. Cost covered by Medicare. 

Veteran Affairs (DVA)

A referral from your GP is required and appropriate paperwork needs to be completed. The first visit is necessary and will involve a history, physical examination and, if deemed safe by the Chiropractor, treatment. If x-rays are required they are covered by DVA through an external provider. Standard appointments are then offered to patients.

No out of pocket expense to the DVA card holder. Cost covered by DVA. 

Cervical Traction

Cervical traction is a treatment often used to help treat neck pain and cervical radiculopathy (compression or injury to a nerve root by a herniated disc or degenerative changes; causing pain, tingling or numbness into the arm/s or hand/s). A distracting force is applied to your neck to gently stretch and separate the disc and joint surfaces in your cervical spine.

Cervical traction may be offered to some patients. This appointment adds additional time to your standard appointment depending on what is required. It is advisable to bring a book with you when on traction. No extra charge for cervical traction when combined with the standard chiropractic consultation.

Flexion Distraction

Flexion distraction is an advanced, traction based therapy commonly used to manage and treat the symptoms of disc injury, and various lower back pain problems. This type of procedure is proven effective, safe, gentle, non-invasive, and non-surgical in treating sciatica.

Flexion Distraction helps to decompress the joints and is a non-surgical option for the management of disc injuries. The technique combines targeted pressure, movements, stretching and flexing to address disc problems and other spinal issues. 

Scheduling & Missed Appointment Policy

Our time at Logan Village Chiropractic is valuable, as is yours. 

We ask that you please provide at least 2 hours’ notice for cancellations or rescheduling of any appointments. We reserve the right to charge for any appointments that are missed without notice.

If you miss an initial consultation without notice you will only be able to book once more. If you miss the rebooked initial you will be referred to another Chiropractic office for your chiropractic needs.

If you are a regular patient who misses 3 appointments without notice, you will be referred to another chiropractic office for your chiropractic needs.

Thank you for understanding

Opening Hours

Monday          8 am - 5 pm

Tuesday          8 am - 5 pm

Wednesday    8 am - 12 pm

Thursday         8 am- 5 pm

Friday              1 pm - 4 pm

Saturday         8 am - 11 am

Sunday           Closed


N.B. Hours are subject to change.

Contact us 

07 5620 5753

0429 813 386

Email: loganvillagechiropractic@iinet.net.au
