
The Loft Leaders Academy at The Teen Loft at ImaginOn is designed to equip teens in grades 7-12 with leadership and interpersonal skills to be successful in life, work, college, relationships, and beyond. 

The Loft Leaders Academy application will open up to a new cohort each fall. Each accepted Loft Leader will be required to commit to attending and participating in all aspects of the Academy. There are only 10 open slots per cohort.  


Loft Leaders Academy began in the Fall of 2022 when a staff member from  the Teen Loft at ImaginOn saw a need for increased resume-building opportunities for local teens. LLA is a College & Career Connections program offered by Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.


To equip teens with leadership and interpersonal skills to be successful in life, work, college, relationships, and beyond. 


To create spaces of learning and opportunity to foster potential in young leaders and make an impact in our community through service-based leadership. 

Statement of Purpose

The Loft Leaders Academy exists to bridge opportunity gaps and increase social capital in urban youth through educational workshops, mentorship, and service-learning.

Program Breakdown

Phase 1 (4 months) – monthly educational workshops on the foundations of leadership

Phase 2 (4 months) - leadership in action: monthly meet ups to plan cohort service project, mentorship activities, Leadership Gala