Request for Information

Under the freedom of information act, you have the right to gain access to general information that we hold. Some of the data you need might already be published, or you may wish to submit a request to us

We generally reply to requests by email, but if you would like the information in any specific format let us know when you make your request. We will respond as soon as possible and within 10 working days.

We will always provide as much information as possible, but there are rules that allow us to withhold certain types of information. For example, if providing the information would infringe someone else's privacy or, if the information you have asked for is not environmental, would take longer than 18 hours to acquire. If we are unable to provide any information we will explain why.

Where we can provide information electronically, there won't usually be a charge. If we need to provide a lot of information in hard copy, there may be a charge to cover printing and postage costs but we will tell you if this is the case.

We use the costs below as a baseline to assess the default fee chargeable under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Standard costs used in the calculation of fees for requests