I guess the lockscreen controls must use the same button event mechanisms that Bluetooth and headsets do for button presses. Do you need to have the Bluetooth radio actually turned on, or merely provide permission for its control access? @maxmp might be able to tell us more though.

@Rafal B On recent Android builds, media playing apps pass any info they wish to display to system's lockscreen 'widget' - but the layout is defined by Android, not the app. The only way to get around that is to take over the whole lockscreen completely, as a kind of intermediate page, which should be available via PA Setttings=>Lock Screen=>Show on Lock Screen.

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The buttons on the lockscreen media controller widget are now configurable, see PA Settings=>Misc=>Buttons. The middle three '' buttons are system-specified and cannot be changed. The first two Button items in the menu are for the outer two controls on the Notification or Lockscreen Widget (they are basically the same thing). The subsequent Buttons 3-6 are for Android Auto/etc, which offers more than the initial five button slots.

Hey all, picked up my Nothing Phone 2 yesterday and I'm missing quite a few features that have been shown off in reviews. I don't have the option to add widgets to the lockscreen, and I don't see a way to add quick settings to my home screen either.

20230326-110630 time lockscreen10802340 330 KB

hi All,

After installing the latest firmware upgrade FP4.SP21.B.048.20230215 a very large Digital Clock appeared in the Lockscreen. how/where can I change or even remove this clock?

thanks, Iwan

Thanks a lot Yvonne, for moving my question and pointing out the options. (as in none)

will rest my search for removing the hidious clock.

However, as soon as there are notifications from other apps in the lockscreen, the large clock/time numbers disappear, and reappear as soon as the notifications are swiped away.

very strange update/feature. seems like some kind of joke/weddenschap from the developersĀ 

kind regards


Currently satisfied with the Onenote lockscreen thing. Can activate and deactivate this balloon very easily. I super don't like everything else about OneNote and I am happy that I found CloudHQ to get these notes to Evernote. I think Evernote should get this same function to their app. It's really good. Only thing that leave this balloon, box, Evernote logo, whatever object, only to doing the thing on the lockscreen.

Evernote has gotten many things awesome when they first launched. I like the way desktop version of Evernote presents notes. It gives a preview or overview of each note or all notes, a good sense of what's where and, all-in-all, I tried OneNote and imported my Evernote stuff there and I really don't like the way I have to navigate around in OneNote and how it presents the notes. So Evernote really good overall, but some features that Onenote has are currently obvious improvements over Evernote, such as providing the ability to take notes from the lockscreen, which lured me to test out Onenote.

Already tried Parchi before tried Onenote. Evernote should definitely simulate the way Parchi does it with the UI on the lockscreen. Very simple. Just click on the icon, write a note, and send. Nothing else.

Unfortunately, there are too many issues with Parchi. Parchi notes do go to Onenote but it's full of bugs as it is sort of discontinued it seems. And it doesn't seem to throw this option to take a note from the lockscreen when disconnected from active wifi/4G connection.

And so there's also OneNote now, which does exactly the same thing, allowing to take notes right from the lockscreen. However, it disables the feature when restarting the phone (so does Parchi), and the icon that allows to take quick notes stays hanging out there in front of my screen also when the phone is unlocked.

@jzabrams, what phone and Android version do you have? On my Samsung Note 4 Edge running Android 6, I basically can't do anything on the lockscreen (as I once could in earlier Android versions). Well, I take that back--I can create memos using the S Pen, and apps can send info to it (e.g., weather). So perhaps Evernote could manage this too. But it might be different with different phone makers' Android flavors.

I do find that, with "quick notes" enabled (in EN, Settings > Notifications > Add notes from notification bar), on the lockscreen I can pull down the notification panel and tap the Evernote "Add note" icon there to create a very simple note. But I don't have any serious security on my lockscreen; I don't know whether this would work if you had a password set up.

Lockscreen customization policies are a group of controls allowing the customization of UI shortcuts available on the device lockscreen. These lockscreen controls are available with a free Knox Platform for Enterprise Premium license.

Set the Notifications control to True to optionally hide notifications from the user on the device lockscreen. Notifications can then be set to set 0 (off) or 1 (on) on the lockscreen.

This is a known bug in AOSP if you have multiple camera apps installed. It can be fixed by resetting app link associations for your camera apps and setting it up again. It has to be done a very specific way to make it work for the lockscreen. It's a bug that was introduced with Android 12 and isn't tied to our Camera app or to GrapheneOS specifically.

Fresh user profile, no apps installed, double click of power button while unlocked works perfectly fine. On lockscreen, double click does nothing. 5 rapid clicks does trigger the SOS routine.

I just got my iPhone 6 and everything works fine. It's just that whenever I recieve a text message, the notification on the lockscreen pops up and says who it's from and then "to you" right below it. ff782bc1db

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