How are Local Plans performing?

A data and mapping analysis

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Maps created by Nélio Matos

Number of planned new homes in England

The map represents the number of planned homes in England for each local planning authority according to their local plan stage. The quantum of homes are symbolised by the size of the graduated circle symbols. The stage of the plan (emerging, published, submitted, found sound and adopted) is symbolised by the value (color) of the graduated circle symbols.

We aggregated the housing numbers data into a single column and for the housing requirement range we selected the maximum number, for the yearly average we calculated the number of homes based on the duration of the plan and for the yearly range we calculated the number based on the duration of the plan and the maximum number of planned homes. For the joint plans (plan that cover more than one local planning authority - LPA) the data doesn't individualise the number of homes per LPA, but the totals of the joint plan. Meaning that each LPA, part of a joint plan, will show the total number of homes of the joint plan, which will increase the numbers and can distort the reality.

Please, hover over a circle to find out more about the local plans. You can also use the search box functionality, on the top-right corner of the map to search for places, and the zoom controls to navigate on the map.

Adoption time of the local plans in England

Years from published to adopted

The map represents the adoption time in years of the local plans, from the published to the adopted year. Symbols are proportionally scaled and graduated from the smallest to largest according to the number of years that a plan takes to be adopted.

Please, hover over a circle to find out more about the local plans. You can also use the search box functionality, on the top-right corner of the map to search for places, and the zoom controls to navigate on the map.

Plan period of the local plans in England

The map represents the plan period, the difference between the start date and the end date, of the local plans. Symbols are proportionally scaled and graduated from the smallest to largest according to the plan period of the local plans.

Please, hover over a circle to find out more about the local plans. You can also use the search box functionality, on the top-right corner of the map to search for places, and the zoom controls to navigate on the map.