Local Government Consolidation

We organize 2 sessions on local government consolidation. The seminars are held via Zoom and last 2 hours, with 45 minutes of presentation and 15 minutes of Q&A by paper.

To register (free of charge) and receive details on how to join, please click here

November 3rd : Local government consolidation/cooperation (part 1)

- 15:30 to 16:30 (GMT+1, Paris time): Are Regional Borders Invisible?”

by Gabriel Loumeau (ETH Zurich)

- 16:30 to 17:30 (GMT+1, Paris time): Better Alone? Evidence on the Costs of Intermunicipal Cooperation

by Clémence Tricaud (UCLA Anderson School of Management)

November 17th : Local government consolidation/cooperation (part 2)

- 15:30 to 16.30 (GMT+1, Paris time): “This Town Ain't Big Enough? Quantifying Public Goods Spillovers

by Aurélie Sotura (Banque de France), with Nicolas Jannin. You can download it here