Random Structures, Applied Probability and Computation

LMS Research School on Probability at the University of Liverpool

Taught Courses

Computational methods for financial Lévy models - Søren Asmussen 


Lévy processes appear naturally as approximating continuous-time models of many discrete structures: they are thus universal among large classes of micro-models. Their numerical aspects have been explored intensely in financial mathematics models taking into account, in particular, higher steepness at the mode and heavier tails of the log returns compared to the Brownian Black-Scholes model, and the presence of jumps. When extended with regime-switching, they form a very flexible, even dense, model class. Computational aspects of Lévy models are, however, much more difficult than models based on stochastic differential equations with Brownian noise. In the course, we will, in particular, consider fitting methods, martingales for phase-type jumps, Gram-Charlier expansions, as well as simulation.

Course Material:


Self-similar Markov trees - Jean Bertoin


I will present some parts of an ongoing project jointly with Nicolas Curien (Paris-Sud) and Armand Riera (Paris-Sorbonne) about a rather large family of random objects which we call "Self-Similar Markov Trees". These objects consist of a quadruplet (T, d, m, g) where T is a rooted compact continuous tree, d the distance on T, m a finite Borel measure on T, and finally g: T --> R_{+} a "decoration". One of our main motivations is that such SSMT's arise as the scaling limits of Galton-Watson branching processes with integer types, and as such, in particular in a variety of models in discrete geometries.

Tentative Plan:

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Pólya urns - Cécile Mailler 


In the first part of the course, we will review classical results on Pólya urns, from Markov’s results on the standard urn (1906), to Janson’s results on "irreducible" urns (2004). In the second part, we will focus on more recent developments of the theory, and in particular the generalisation to infinitely-many colours.

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