
All lectures will be held in Blackett (physics) Lecture Theatre 1 and online on Teams.
Tentative schedule below varies from day to day and will be somewhat flexible -- if you're tuning in online do not expect timings to be precise.
Preliminary notes.

We do not provide lunch but there are a number of food outlets on campus and nearby, especially on Gloucester Road, and there will be some tea, coffee and pastries available at the end of the lunch break (just before 3pm) each day.


10.00-11.15 Abramovich: Introduction, and introduction to stacks, I
11.15-11.45 Tea and coffee provided
11.45-12.30 Ranganathan: Geometry and Combinatorics of SNC divisors, I

12.45-13.30 Bousseau: Moduli spaces, I 

13.30-15.30 Lunch break

15:30-16:30 Parallel in-person problem sessions:
(a) problems class (Blackett LT1)
(b) toric varieties bootcamp (Huxley 340)


10.00-10.45 Abramovich: Introduction to stacks, II
10.45-11.15 Tea and coffee provided
11.15-11.30 Abramovich: The unreasonable effectiveness of toric varieties
11.30-12.15 Ranganathan: Geometry and Combinatorics of SNC divisors, II

12.30-12.45 Abramovich: Log geometry and Artin fans
12.45-13.30 Nabijou: Log geometry, I 

13.30-15.30 Lunch break -- Farmer's Market, Queen's Lawn

15:30-16:30 In-person problems class


10.00-10.45 Nabijou: Log geometry, II
10.45-11.15 Tea and coffee provided
11.15-11.30 Abramovich: Kontsevich’s formula
11.30-12.15 Caroccci: Gromov-Witten theory, I

12.30-13.15 Argüz: Logarithmic moduli of curves

13.15-15.00 Lunch break

15:00-16:00 Abramovich: Resolution of singularities, I
16:00-17:00 In-person problems class

18:00 Buffet dinner, 8th floor Blackett common room


10.00-10.45 Caroccci: Gromov-Witten theory, II
10.45-11.15 Tea and coffee provided
11.15-11.45 Abramovich: The degeneration formula in Gromov-Witten theory
11.45-12.30 Argüz: Logarithmic Gromov-Witten theory

12.45-13.30 Bousseau: Moduli spaces, II

13.30-15.15 Lunch break

15:15-16:00 Abramovich: Resolution of singularities, II
16:00-17:00 In-person problems class

Friday (advanced topics)

10.00-11.00 Abramovich: Punctured logarithmic invariants
11.00-11.30 Tea and coffee provided
11.30-12.00 Nabijou: Log-Orbifold correspondence 
12.00-12.30 Argüz: KSBA moduli spaces for log Calabi-Yau surfaces

12.45-13.15 Bousseau: Non-toric brane webs, Calabi-Yau threefolds and 5d SCFTs

13.15-15.00 Lunch break

15:00-15:30 Carocci: Log linear series
15:30-16:00 Ranganathan: LMNOP