Papers for students presentations

Students' presentations will take place on, see below. Each slot is of 25 mins (account for a couple of questions), with 7 slots per day. Write to Calzolari for your preferred slot, fist come first served.

Presentations will tak place on May 4th and May 8th at class time.

The list of paper for presentations and reports is here (students with strong interest in specific papers not listed here can ask for a derogation from the list). Papers will be allocated on first-ask-first-served basis,writing to Giacomo Calzolari.

Both for presentations and reports, have a look at the guidelines in the documents available here. STUDY THIS MATERIAL!

Referee report must be sent to Calzolari in pdf format, with the slides used in the presentation, not later than June 1.

List of papers

Browse this file and write your name on the file (second column, only papers marked as suitable for LMEC can be chosen, clearly you are not allowed to ovrewrite existing information). Then write to Calzolari confirming your choice.

Students and associated papers

As for dates: all students are expected to attend all presentations and intervene asking questions. If you want to change the date of your presentation, you must find someone who is willing to make the switch with you and then communicate the change to Calzolari.

May 8th at 14th as announced in class: 2-3pm Aula 32, 3-5pm aula bigiavi.

Marc Reinhardt: "A Theory of Patent Portfolios," Jay Pil Choi and Heiko Gerlach.

Yuki Takahashi Faruk Gul, Wolfgang Pesendorfer, and Tomasz Strzalecki (2017). "Coarse Competitive Equilibrium and Extreme Prices," American Economic Review.

Navjot Kaur, ''When does predation dominate collusion?'' by Thomas Wiseman.

Sara Mafrè, Heidhues and Koszegi, AER, 2017 "Unplanned purchases and retail competition".

Mauro Compagnet, "Are Online and Offline Prices Similar? Evidence from Large Multi-Channel Retailers" by Alberto Caballo.

Lorena Mita "Competitive foreclosure", Burguet and Sakovics, the RAND Journal of Economics"

Simone Arnt "Collusion Under Imperfect Monitoring with Asymmetric Firms by Luke Garrod and Matthew Olczak”

May 10th in the afternoon, check here for exact time and room

Davide Muscella, The Optimal Regulation of a risky Monopoly. - Yolande Hiriart and Lionel Thomas

Daria Stepushina "Resale Price Maintenance with Secret Contracts and Retail Service Externalities" by Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen and Bjørn Olav Johansen

Mila Jonjic, NAIVETE-BASED DISCRIMINATION by Paul Heidhues and Botond Koszegi.

Daniele Colaci "Price Cutting and Business Stealing in Imperfect Cartels by B. Douglas Bernheim and Erik Madsen”

Vito stefano bramante DellaVigna, Stefano, and Matthew Gentzkow. Uniform pricing in us retail chains. 2017

Giulia Viola "Rivalry information acquisition and disclosure" di Li e Peeters.

Cravcenco Natalia "The Double Diamond Paradox" by Daniel Garcia, Jun Honda, Maarten Janssen