July 10th, Genoa (Italy)


Robotic Embodiment: Interdisciplinary Convergences

Living Machines 2023 Workshop

This workshop is organised by two research lines of Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) - Social Cognition in Human-Robot Interaction (S4HRI) & Rehab Technologies Lab (RTECH) - and by the RAISE ecosystem for innovation in Liguria Region.

The activities include presentations of invited speakers from: Beihang University, Erlangen-Nurnberg University,  Kyushu University, Leonardo Company, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, University of Southern Denmark, Glasgow School of Art.

Robotic embodiment constitutes a complex issue of inquiry. It can refer to the process of defining a robotic morphology, such as a humanoid one, or to the experience of perceiving a mechatronic device as part of our body. In the case of the former, the choice of robot design to be human-like is motivated by various aspects: (i) optimal functionality in human-centered environments, (ii) the likelihood of being received as a social companion; (iii) serving as an embodied computational model of human cognitive mechanisms to study the human mind. Obvious yet challenging examples of human-like morphology are offered by robotic prostheses with their progress in providing higher and higher user experience and system control through activities of human-centered design. Given the broad scope of application for human-like morphologies, it is important to consider what such structure entails in terms of motor repertoire, attunement with the user and neurocognitive reactions of users faced with human-like shape of robotic artefacts. 

Accordingly, this workshop of Living Machines 2023 (LM2023) conference will discuss these questions thanks to contributions of experts in robotics, cognitive psychology, neuroscience, ergonomics, artificial intelligence, interaction technology, and human-centered design. Their talks and their participation, with the audience, in a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis of anthropomorphic robotic systems will offer the community of LM2023 an opportunity for understanding why the inspiration for the design of certain machines should come from our own body. 

Humanoids & Social Robotics

Human-Inspired Design

Towards Human-Inspired Embodiment by Design

Prosthetics & Wearable Robotics

Hannes - rehab.iit.it

The workshop organisers are two IIT researchers: Giacinto Barresi, Researcher at Rehab Technologies Lab, and Agnieszka Wykowska, Principal Investigator of the Social Cognition in Human-Robot Interaction research line.