Explorations: seeking in the raw material, the spirit of the inherent figure

I work in the raw material by responding to the spirit and form inherent in each piece. I rarely bring an idea of a figure to the work, but seek in the work the spirit of the figure. While working I balance on the precarious edge of leaving untouched what I see before me, and my desire to change it, to ‘correct’ the position, musculature, or surface. Which mark do I leave as an action of the inherent spirit and which do I remove because it distracts from the form or beauty? Working in this way gives rise to a surprising variety of figures.

See also a book  preview of 100 Clay Sprits and a video of Bronze Spirits dancing

Ceramics range from $45-$450, small unique bronzes from $250-$450, and framed 2D work $150-$550.  Please contact me for availability.

Stoneware 15C  7"H  

Stoneware  Crysalis 14"W n/a

Stoneware 18F  5"H

Stoneware 23R 9.5"H n/a

Stoneware 23N 10.5"H 

Stoneware 23K 11"W n/a