Date & Venue



16:00--17:00 Makoto Fujiawara "Hierarchy of Sigma_n-fragments of logical principles over HA and hierarchy of intermediate propositional logics"

17:00--17:10 Break

17:10--18:10 Jonas R. Becker Arenhart "Learning logical lessons from stories"


Makoto Fujiwara: We investigate seven natural variations of the linearity axiom and well-known logical axioms in the context of intermediate logic and arithmetic. For the separation of some logical axioms in arithmetic, we employ a meta-theorem with respect to extended frame to an appropriate propositional Kripke model.


Jonas R. Becker Arenhart: That stories may be useful to teach us some important lessons, e.g. about morals is not new; what is a recent topic of discussion, however, is whether stories can be equally useful for logic. We are going to address this problem in this talk. We first briefly examine three different positions on that matter, with distinct points of view concerning the contributions of stories to logic. We shall then suggest that those positions converge on some important points, which can be seen as leading to interesting lessons afforded by stories to logic. The lessons, we claim, are not so much as to what is logically valid, but rather concern the very nature of logic. 


This workshop is partially supported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) through grant 23K18598.