Mobile Apps for Hartford

First Day Work

Random QR code app for reference (taught by Joe). This app is relatively simple and taught me a lot about URLs. Specifically, I learned how to request a specific size, type, and information on a chart all through editing the URL.


"Storyboard Manager" Response

User opens app and a vertical arrangement appears. The first vertical arrangement displays the app title, logo, and a start button. After the start button is pressed, the second vertical arrangement appears. Next, a table arrangement becomes the main focus of the screen.

The table arrangement contains four rows and two columns. 4 of the 8 cells contain an image of the butterfly action. The other four are labels, each of which correspond to a specific picture. The labels contain data on how many times the user pressed the button. Once the user presses 'done' all data in the two labels goes to some form of database that 's shareable with the teacher. Along with the data on the butterfly actions, the time and date should also be reported to the database.

APK of the app thus far:

Storyboard manager was my job. My role had little to no influence over this because, I just restated what user interface said. As the user interface and programming workers merged their thoughts, I sat idly. Not only did I sit idly, but I even got to be the scribe for other people. I wrote down common questions for the client in a google doc, to make sure that all their questions get answered. Overall, our app is good, but I barely contributed. Not only did I barely contribute, but when my teammates were asked to do my job, they complained and actually refused. Moreover, my co workers had even less respect for my job than I did!

CTSC Client Notes

Weds July 19, 2017 Portfolio

We debriefed over the client notes and Lynn seemed to be pretty pleased with the app thus far. The only significant changes that need to be made are the implementation of the science center images and logos, and the spy/garden theme. Here is the link to our client notes Also, I made a tutorial for teachers to use the sharable fire base. The link to that is

Week 2 Portfolio

The main task of this week was refining the user interface and programming of the app for our mid-week client meeting. On Monday, we brainstormed questions and concerns for the science center and the app. On Tuesday we prepared our presentation for the science center. The preparation consisted of making a google slides presentation, assigning jobs, and rehearsing our parts. On Wednesday, we met with Lynn and actually presented the app. It went well, however, she suggested that we spruce up the user interface. Lastly, we visited the science center and tested the app in real time, which proved that the fusion table worked.

On Friday, the class was divided in two. One group fixed programming, and my group fixed the user interface. I fixed the spacing of the buttons, texts, and arrangements; turned the vertical arrangements into separate screens; refined the images with robert; and changed the design of the texts. Overall, the app is basically done, as it functions effectively, has a user friendly and appealing interface, and our client is content with our work.

Week 3 Portfolio

This week was relatively relaxed. There was no client meeting, however, we finally received images from the science center and requests for a back button and freeze on buttons after they are clicked. That was added to the code, and some bugs were fixed. Lastly, we fine tuned the user interface. The app is more or less complete, now we just need to test it on the science center's tablets to test how the scaling of user interface will work.

Aside from work on the app, we also had some interesting guest speakers. One of which worked with FOSS and managed to integrate open source software with humanitarian projects. Personally, I believed that was interesting, but I doubt my classmates agree. In between guest speakers we also had a mini app challenge (also made by Joe.) I made an app that worked with tinyDB and tinywebDB, ,which I intended to create to improve my programming style. The other app I made was one that dealt with QR codes. This app was extremely simple, but it taught me more about calling APIs in app inventor.