

Marin Soljačić, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA []

Shanhui Fan, Stanford University, USA []

Sergio Carbajo, UCLA & SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA []

Tim Salditt, University of Göttingen, Germany []

Ido Kaminer, Technion, Israel []

Rasmus Ischebeck, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland []

Philippe Piot, Northern Illinois University, USA []

Arya Fallahi, IT'IS Foundation, Switzerland []

Yidong Chong, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore []

Ranjan Singh, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore []

Michel Bosman, National University of Singapore & Institute of Materials Research & Engineering, Singapore []

Steven G. Johnson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA []

Franz X. Kärtner, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Germany []

Patrice Genevet, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), France []

Cesare Soci, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore []

Konstantin Dorfman, East China Normal University, China []