L. J. polytechnic


L J Polytechnic (LJP) started its academic in 2008 under the aegis of Lok Jagruti Kendra (LJK) to run Diploma Engineering programmes. A planned, disciplined green environment, beautiful landscaping with sweet sound of birds and vivacious hunt for knowledge by the young aspirants provide unique atmosphere in the L J Campus. The environment inspires the learners to pursue the quest for knowledge along with development of skills in their preferred areas.

L J Polytechnic library is a College Library It is playing a prominent role for the students and teachers to achieve their academic goals. There is also a well-equipped and properly ventilated Reading room. Apart from Text Books collection it contains General Books, Periodical Books, References Books and a large collection of Project Reports of various branches of Diploma Engineering.

The Library currently holds more than 12,000 numbers of books, Technical Magazines, Newspapers in three languages i.e. English, Gujarati and Hindi as well on monthly and daily basis to enhance and develop the technical skill of the students.

LJP Library Information and Services

Library Rules & Regulations

E-Resource / Digital Resources:

New Arrival Book List

    • 2022

    • 2021