Reading group on Stability

This is a website for the reading group on Stability that we are doing in the Winter semester 2022/23 in Ljubljana.


Each participant chooses a topic and prepares a one-hour lecture for the group. After the topics are chosen, we will discuss possible slots in the Winter semester with the organizers of the SAFA seminar. You do not need to cover the whole material in great detail and it is completely OK to only explain the main ideas (after all, you only have 1 hour).  For most of these topics, you can also find the corresponding video lecture at this link.

If you decide to participate, send an email to so that I mark the topic has been chosen.


We meet Tuesdays at 13.15 in classroom 2.02.

13/10/2022 Urban Jezernik: Stability & Testability [notes]

08/11/2022 Primož Moravec: Stability of finite groups [notes]

15/11/2022 Nikola Kovačević: Sofic groups [notes]

22/11/2022 Aleš Vavpetič: Surface groups, part 1

29/11/2022 Aleš Vavpetič: Surface groups, part 2 [notes]

06/12/2022 Ganna Kudryavtseva: Grigorchuk group [notes]

13/12/2022 Urban Jezernik: Non-approximable groups [notes]