Contra dance choreography by Liz Albert

Dances have been "verified" by teaching/calling

1st Night of Passover (4-3-15)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation; double progression. Progression occurs mid-A1 and top of B2.

Uneven choreography! (CALLER: I.D. 1’s and 2’s!) 

A1* (8) Long lines F/B

(8) 1’s R-hand Balance, Pull-by; Walk around {same gender} Neighbor (N1)

       [End BELOW these Neighbors]

A2  (16) 1’s turn Contra Corners

B1  (16) 1’s Balance + Swing

B2  [with Neighbors below (N2):] 

       (8) Circle Left;

(8) Swing Neighbor


A1: Caller: A1 will work best if the “inactives” can fight the urge to stand stock still. As the 1’s pull-by to walk around their neighbors, the 2’s should step into center of the set, take a sideways step up-hall and fall back to place. This will help the 1’s get themselves around the 2’s efficiently and might also help keep the set from creeping down the hall, and away from the stage. (Re: hall creep: You can also instruct dancers to pull lines up hall on the Long Lines F/B)

49046: a Dance for Circle Pines (4/20/23)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation; double progression. Progression occurs top of A1and top of B1. Uneven choreography. (CALLER: I.D. 1’s and 2’s!)

I wrote this one in honor of my summer camp, Circle Pines Center, in Delton, Michigan, which celebrated its 85th year in 2023. This is where I learned to love dancing.

A1  (8) Circle Left [1 full time around]

(8) Swing Neighbor

A2  With same neighbors:

(8) Circle Left [1 full time around]

{At this point: The #2 couples have their backs to the music}

       (4) 2’s Arch, 1’s Duck under;

       [Turn (alone), therefore with SAME Neighbors:]

       (4) 1’s Arch, 2’s Duck under

B1  (16) Balance-Swing NEXT Neighbor

B2  (8) Long lines F/B

       (8) 1’s Swing

       [End swing facing NEXT Neighbors for Circle L in A1]

A Carriage Works (4/10/14)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Sicilian Circle. (Improper formation) Progression occurs mid-A1 

This dance was a contest winner. It can be danced to just about any contra melody, but it was written for a specific tune by Tyler Johnson, called “A Carriage Works.” Said tune can be found at 

Key:   1s = Couples facing CW around circle

            2s = Couples facing CCW around circle

A1  {with same Neighbors}:

       (8) R/L thru with an extra turn on the courtesy turn

       {with NEXT Neighbors}:

(8) Circle RIGHT 1x

{2s: Let go Partner’s hand; ALL: Open to lines of 4, facing CW}

A2  Lines of 4:

       (8) Travel 6 steps in CW line of direction; Turn alone

       (8) Travel 6 steps CCW; Fold line into a ring

B1  (4) Balance the ring

(4) Spin one place to the Right (as in Petronella) 

       (4) Balance the ring

(4) Spin one place to the Right (as in Petronella)

B2  (16) Balance-Swing Partner

       {End swing facing original direction}




A1: The courtesy turn at the top of A1 is the point of progression. A normal courtesy turn would have couples face back to those they just R/L thru’d. Here, dancers continue their personal trajectory until they are facing their next neighbors. ALSO: All will be facing their original line of direction.


A2: The A2 resembles what would be called as a "Down the Hall" in a standard contra dance, seen from above the lines of 4 would resemble the spokes of carriage wheels.

Almost Proper (12-2-23)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Impish formation (Improper dance that starts in Becket formation- [!!!] Start one-quarter turn to left of Improper; the 1’s are the dancers on caller’s left.) CALLER: ID 1’s and 2’s!

A1* (2) Shift left

       (6) Circle Left 3/4 with NEW Neighbors

       (4) Balance the ring

       (4) Shoot the 1’s thru**

A2  1’s only!:

       (6) Take 6 steps down the Hall, in center of the set

       (4) Turn as couples

       (6) Return to current Neighbors / Gate around

B1  (8) Long lines F/B

(8) RIGHT-hand*** dancers: Chain to Partner  

B2  Same two:

       (6) Allemande Right 1 x

       (10) Swing Partner


A1: CALLER: During walk-thru & 1st time thru, skip the shift left.

A1: The “Shoot the 1’s thru” is different from a pass-thru! Both Lady/Robin and Gent/Lark in active couple will pass down in center of the set. The real joy is being an inactive here: the tug a “2” gives to guide the “1” down the center can be the start of a delightful spin.

B2: In B2, dancers will be (momentarily) in proper position, therefore, some dancers standing to the right of their current neighbor will be Ladies/Robins, and some will be Gents/Larks. The call goes to those on the right, right now! 

Block Chain Dance-ology (1/27/24) 

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation. Progression occurs in B1 (As partners swing in B1, they will be across from new neighbors)

A1 (16) [Same] Neighbor Balance-Swing

A2* (8) Ladies Chain on R-diagonal [to Trail Buddy]

(8) [with couple across] Star Left

B1 (16) Partner Balance-Swing

[End swing facing new neighbors {across set}]

B2 (8) Gents (L-hand) Chain across set

(4) Balance the ring

(4) Gents: Roll Partner with 1/2 sashay


END EFFECTS: (1.) Dancers are never really out in this dance; dancers will still have a role to play with their Trail Buddies. (2.) When standing out with Partner, dancers should stand on the Right Flank (of Becket) to be ready for the R-diagonal Ladies Chain; when standing out with Trail Buddy, dancers should wait in Improper position for their partner.

A2: During A2--except at the ends!--no one will be in same minor set as their partner. Dancers who are not in the Star-L should wait in improper position for their partner.

Bluets (4/10/14)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

PROPER formation. Progression occurs bottom of A1. Uneven choreography. (CALLER: I.D. 1’s and 2’s!)

This dance was a contest runner-up. It can be danced to just about any contra melody, but it was written for a specific tune by Tyler Johnson, called “Bluets.” Said tune can be found at 

A1  (8) 1’s: travel UP-the-Hall (center of set); turn as couples

       (8) Return Down the Hall, passing (previous) Neighbors*

       Cast around NEW 2’s

[End in lines of 4 facing down hall]


A2  (16) Lines of 4 Down the Hall (and back)

       Centers (1’s): turn as couples; Ends (2’s): turn alone


{End with 1’s in center facing partner and 2’s behind 1’s, facing Neighbor’s back}


B1  (4) 1’s Cross by Left, as if starting Half a Hey

       (4) 2’s Ricochet back to Neighbor

       (8) Swing Neighbor


B2  (8) Long lines F/B

       (8) 1’s only: Swing partner

[End swing facing UP-hall]



A1: CALLER: During walk-thru & 1st time thru: 1’s return to & cast around “previous” 2’s


Burning Ring of Arches (11/13/14)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Sicilian Circle. (Improper formation) QUADRUPLE progression. All progressions occur in A1  

Key:   1’s = Couples facing CW around circle

            2’s = Couples facing CCW around circle

A1  (4) 1’s Arch, 2’s Duck under;

       (4) 2’s Arch, 1’s Duck under;

       (4) 1’s Arch, 2’s Duck under;

       (4) 2’s Arch, 1’s Duck under

A2  (8) Ladies Chain (to Neighbor)

       (8) Ladies Chain (to Partner)

B1  (8) Ladies Allemande-Right 1 and ½

       (8) Swing Neighbor

       [End swing facing partner]

B2  (6) Circle Left 3/4

       (10) Swing Partner

       [End swing facing original direction]

Clear as Mud (2/15/15)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Becket formation; start one-quarter turn to left of Improper; dance progresses CW.

Though the move itself is easy, there’s a bit of a fudge to this dance’s progression, which is why I chose the title. The title also allows me to dedicate the dance to one of my all-time favorite callers, Jo Mortland, who-- while teaching a dance-- will often ask dancers in her self-deprecating way, “Clear as mud?”

See it danced here: 

A1  (4) [R-hand to Neighbor across] Balance*
      (2) R-Pull by Neighbor

       (2) L-Pull by Partner

       [End facing across set]
      (8) Ladies R-Alle 1-1/2 x

A2  (16) Balance-Swing Neighbor

B1  (8) Gents L-Alle 1-1/2 x

       (8) Swing Partner

B2  (4) Ladies R-hand Balance

       (8) Ladies chain across set (to Neighbor) w/ courtesy turn

       (4) Ladies Cross set; All Shift Left

           [End facing new Neighbors across set]


A1: Basically, in A1, dancers are dancing one half of a Square thru {with balance} with Neighbors across set.

B2: Last move explained: Ladies cross set to partner, while gents shift left to make room for them; all continue along edge of set (one step, maybe two) until facing their next neighbors. 

Come Back Soon (8/9/10) 

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

For Rachel Shapiro and Edward Wallace as they left Chicago

Improper formation.

Key:   CN = Current Neighbor

            NN = Next Neighbor

            PN = Previous Neighbor

A1  (2) R-hand Balance CN

(2) R-hand Pull-by CN

(5) Allemande-L NN (1 full time around)

(2) (2nd) R-hand Pull-by CN {no balance this time!}

(5) Allemande-L PN

A2  (16) Melt-down Swing CN

B1  (6) Circle L 3/4

       (10) Partner swing

B2  (4) Balance the ring

       (4) Spin one place to the Right (as in Petronella)

       (4) Balance the ring

       (4) Pass thru

[Get ready to R-hand Balance Pull-by with your new CN]



A1: Caller: Help dancers identify CN, NN, & PN before walk thru. For those at top or bottom, the “PN” might be their partner. 


A1: To avoid end effects: A1 requires participation of all dancers in the line; at top or bottom, your partner will act as your “CN” That is: after pass-thru in B2, dancers out at top or bottom offer right hand to partner for the “R-hand Balance /Pull-by CN” 


A2: After the CN Swing in A2, dancers out at top or bottom should stand with lady on the right to wait for next CN


Cooler by the Lake (12/13/18)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Indecent formation—it’s the Chicago way. (Line up Proper; 2’s cross over)

I wrote this dance move in honor of the 40th anniversary of my home dance group, the Chicago Barn Dance Company.

A1* (6) Circle left 3/4

(10) Swing Partner


A2: (6) Circle L 3/4

(10) Neighbors Swing

[End swing facing down hall]


B1 (6) Lines of 4 Down the Hall

(4) Switch Ends and Turn Alone**

(6) Return up-hall

{Bend line}


B2 (4) Balance the ring

(4) Gents roll Neighbor with half sashay

(4) Balance the Ring

(4) Ladies (!!!): Chicago Twirl*** your Gent [to face new]




A1: END EFFECTS (like our lake-effect snow): Dancers “out” at the top or bottom should stand with Lady on the LEFT! However, even if dancers do switch sides per usual, the circle left and partner-swing of A1 will correct the mistake.


B1: Switch Ends and Turn Alone, sometimes called “Sliding Doors” (because it’s a bit like doors sliding past each other): Lines of 4 go Down the Hall in the usual way (about 6 steps down); the two dancers on the R-hand side of the set move an additional step forward, shift to the Left and turn alone, WHILE the two dancers on the L-hand side of the set shift to the Right and turn alone. All return up the hall, four by four.

B2: Some have called this a “Jersey twirl.” Actually, just a California Twirl where the Lady plays the more dominant role, inviting the gent to twirl under her raised hand, but I'm renaming the move in honor of the 40th anniversary of our dance group. 

Crossed Signals (3/1/23)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation. Uneven choreography. (CALLER: I.D. 1’s and 2’s!)

A1  (8) Long lines F/B

       (8) 1’s Swing

       [End swing facing down hall]

A2  With 1’s in center, in a line of 4:

(16) Down the Hall (& back; turn alone)

[End in same line of 4, with all facing center of set]

B1*    (4) 1’s Cross by Right, as if starting a (full) Hey

       (4) 2’s Ricochet

       (4) 1’s Cross by Right

       (4) 2’s Ricochet

B2  (16) Balance-Swing Neighbor




B1: The Ricochet in this dance might feel a little different because dancers will be executing it with their partners! Caller: Most advanced dancers will know how to do the Ricochet, but for those who don’t: 2’s are to step into the center on a right-diagonal, execute a (gentle) two-hand push off, and back up (walking backwards) on a left diagonal. (They do this twice, while 1’s weave around them.)



Dancing with the Stars (revised 7/27/21)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Becket formation; start one-quarter turn to right of Improper; this dance progresses CCW. Progression occurs mid-A2.

A1  (8) Ladies chain

       (8) R/L thru

A2  (8) [Hands Across] Star Left w/ Same

       (8) [Hands Across] Star Right w/ New

B1  (8) Ladies Do-Si-Do 1.5 turns

       (8) Swing Partner {on Neighbor’s side}

B2  (8) Gents start L-shoulder 1/2 Hey

       (8) Swing Partner again {on home side}


B1: Gents drop out of Star on Neighbor’s side (i.e., not their home side); Ladies can use their joined R-hands to pull themselves into the Do-Si-Do.


Do Do Ma (12/2/23) 

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation.

Dance title rhymes with Yo-Yo Ma… For my grandson, Jonah Albert, who plays cello, plays football, and whose high school wrestling coach used to call him Joe-Joe Ma 

See it danced here: 

A1  (8) as Couples: Do-Si-Do 

       (8) as Individuals: Do-Si-Do

A2  (16) Balance-Swing Neighbor

B1  (6) Circle Left 3/4

       (10) Swing Partner

B2  (8) R/L thru across set

       (6) Circle RIGHT 3/4

       (2) Zig to Right

{Implied Zag to Left starts the Couples’ Do-Si-Do in A1} 

Fine Thank You, How Are You? (revised 8/11/19)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation

See it danced here:

A1 [With Next:]

(4) Ladies: R-hand Balance

(4) Ladies: Pull-by R to switch [places] {Drop hands}

(4) Gents: R-hand Balance

(4) Gents: Pull-by R to switch [places] {KEEP hands}

A2 [Hands Across]

(4) Balance the star

(8) Star Right

(4) Gents Allemande-Right 1/2 WHILE Ladies Turn Single*

B1 (16) Balance-Swing Partner

B2 (8) Ladies Chain to Neighbor

(8) Star Left


A2: The Turn Single, sometimes said, “turn single back to place,” is borrowed from English Country dance. Ladies walk a loop over their left shoulder, ending up where they started.


Foolproof (2/6/13)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Becket formation; start one-quarter turn to left of Improper; this dance progresses clockwise. Progression occurs mid-A2

A1  (8) Long lines F/B

[with Neighbors across]

(8) Circle left 3/4

A2  [with same Neighbors:]

(8) Do-Si-Do 1.5 turns

[with next Neighbors]

(8) {wrist-hold} Star Left 3/4

{End Star facing Neighbor across set}

B1  [Neighbor Pull-by L to start:]

(6) 3/4 of a Square Thru [without balances]

       {Neighbor Pull-by L; Partner Pull-by R; Neighbor Pull-by L}

(10) Do-Si-Do Partner

B2  (16) Balance /Swing Partner

Frog Safari in Pasadena (2/27/17)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert 

Improper formation. Uneven choreography. (CALLER: I.D. 1’s and 2’s!)

I wrote this one at Fiddling Frog, 2017. Lisa Greenleaf called a dance where the 2’s shot the 1’s thru and it was love at first spin.

A1  [With Next:]

       (8) [With 1’s in center] Down the Hall 6-8 steps; Fold line

       (8) 2’s start {2’s in center 1st} Crazed Sparrow*


A2  (8) [With 2’s in center] Return UP Hall

       (8) Circle L


B1  {Fold circle into Short Waves—Ladies in center by Left}

       (4) Balance the Wave

       (4) Ladies Allemande-Left 1/2

       (8) Swing Partner


B2  (4) Balance the ring

       (4) Spin one place to the R (as in Petronella)

       (4) Balance the ring

       (4) 2’s Shoot 1’s thru {down center to next 2’s}**




A1: The Crazed Sparrow (CS) is like the Mad Robin (MR). Here’s the difference: in the MR, dancers on either side of the set follow the path of a Do-Si-Do as they dance around each other; in the CS, one pair follows the path of a Do-Si-Do, while on the other side of the set, the path followed is a See Saw. (These mirror-image paths put partners in center of set together; brief touching is allowed and is, in fact, encouraged.)


B2: The “2’s Shoot 1’s thru” is different from a pass-thru! Both lady and gent in active couple will pass down in center of the set. The real joy is being an inactive here: the tug a “2” gives to guide the “1” down the center can be the start of a delightful spin-in-place.

Hey A (Revised 7/27/21)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation. Double progression. Both progressions occur during A1. Uneven choreography! (Caller: ID # 1 and # 2 couples!!)

I wrote this dance in honor of Andrea Pitkow, who used to live (and dance) in the Chicago area, but now resides in Chattanooga

A1* [with same Neighbors]

       (8) Circle Left

       (4) 2’s Arch, 1’s Duck under;

       [with NEW Neighbors]

       (4) 1’s Arch, 2’s Duck under

A2  [with next NEW Neighbors]

       (8) Down hall with 1’s in center; turn ALONE

       (8) Return to place; all face center

B1  (16) 1’s start a R-shoulder Hey**

B2  [3rd time 1’s meet in center]

       (16) 1’s Melt-down Swing***

       End swing facing down hall, facing same 2’s (for now)


A1: END EFFECTS: Like many double progression dances, no one is out at the top of the set. Depending on the number of couples dancing, this might be true at the bottom as well. When they reach the end of the set, dancers should immediately California Twirl to face back in with the lady on the right. At top of set, 2’s who have just ducked under the arch of their last neighbors must California Twirl and immediately dance the role of 1’s, taking new 2’s Down the Hall.

B1: This is one of those rare dances where partners will be in the center of the set during a Hey. If they are feeling up to it, partners can lock eyes as they pass in center, backing out on a (left) diagonal. A standard-issue left- shoulder Hey will, of course, work just as well. 

B2: While 1’s are swinging, 2’s position themselves below the SAME 1’s they have been dancing with in A2 and B1, so they can Circle Left with them when the dance sequence starts up again. 

Hey Sweetheart (3/15/09)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation. Uneven choreography! (CALLER: I.D. 1’s and 2’s!)

For my favorite dance partner, Dan Albert

A1  [With 1’s in center:]

(16) Down the Hall (and back; turn alone)

[When back to place: Maintain line of 4, but ALL turn to face center]

A2  (16) 1’s start a L-shoulder Hey*

B1  [3rd time 1’s meet in center:]

(6) 1’s L-shoulder Round 1 x

(10) Neighbor Swing

B2  (8) Circle L

       (8) 1’s only swing in center; end swing facing new neighbors


A2: This is one of those rare dances where partners will be together in the center of the set during a Hey. If they are feeling up to it, partners can lock eyes as they pass in center, backing out on a (right) diagonal. A standard-issue left-shoulder Hey will, of course, work just as well.

How Do You Do? (5/31/19)  

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation. Progression occurs top of B2

See it danced here:

A1 (4) Ladies: R-hand Balance

(4) Ladies: Pull-by R to switch [places] {Drop hands}

(4) Gents: R-hand Balance

(4) Gents: Pull-by R to switch [places] {Drop hands}

A2 (16) Neighbor Balance-Swing

B1 (6) Circle left 3/4

(10) Swing Partner

B2 (2) {Ladies--!--lead} Shift Right to NEXT

(6) Gents Allemande-Left 1 x

(8) 3/4 Promenade Partner X-set* [End facing up/down set]


B2: The 3/4 Promenade: A half-promenade would have dancers facing their new neighbors across the set; here, they continue their clockwise trajectory until they are facing them up/down the set in improper formation. 

Just Passing Through (revised 8/12/19)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation.

A1  (4) Balance the ring

       (4) Pass Thru & Turn Back Round*

       {With SAME neighbors as top of A1:}

(4) Balance the ring

(4) Spin one place to the Right (as in Petronella)

A2  (16) Partner Balance-Swing

B1  (6) Lines of 4 go Down the Hall

       (4) Turn as couples

       (6) Back to place; fold the line

B2  (4) Balance the ring

       (4) Spin one place to the Right (as in Petronella)

       (4) Balance the ring

       (4) Pass thru up/down set to next


A2: For the Pass Thru & Turn Back Round, dancers Pass Thru by R-shoulders, up/down the set and immediately Turn Back to face the same neighbors they just passed during the Pass Thru.

Just Passing Through Again (8/22/19)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation

A1  With N1:

(4) Balance the ring

       (4) Pass thru up/down set

With N2:

(4) Balance the ring

(4) CA Twirl

A2  (16) Balance-Swing N1

B1  (8) Gents Allemande-L 1½ 

       (8) Swing Partner

B2  (4) Balance the ring

       (4) Spin one place to the Right (as in Petronella)

       (4) Balance the ring

       (4) Pass thru up/down set to next

Making the Switch (5/9/23)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation.

For Chicago-area dancer, Aviva Tauman, who-- like me-- made the switch from international folk dance to contra dance 20 some-odd years ago..

A1  (4) Ladies: L-hand Balance

       (4) Ladies: Pull-by Left to switch [places] {Drop hands}

[With Partner:]

(8) R-hand Balance / Box the Gnat

A2  (4) Gents: L-hand Balance

       (4) Gents: Pull-by Left to switch [places] {Drop hands}

[With Neighbor:]

(8) R-hand Balance / Box the Gnat

B1  (8) Ladies Allemande-Left 1-1/2 x

       (8) Swing Partner

B2  (10) 3/4 Promenade X-set* [End facing up/down set]

       (4) Neighbors {handshake-grip} R-hand Balance

(2) Pull-by Right

{Ladies take L-hand, ready to dance A1 with next Neighbors}


B2: The 3/4 Promenade: A half-promenade would have dancers facing their new neighbors across the set; here, they continue their counter-clockwise trajectory until they are facing them up/down the set, in improper formation. 


March Fourth (3/18/19)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation. Uneven choreography! (CALLER: I.D. 1’s and 2’s!)

I am dedicating this one to Bob Green of St. Louis, MO, whose birthday is March 4th! 

See it danced here:

{Dance starts w/ lines of 4 facing down hall, 1’s in center}

A1  (6) [1’s take new 2’s] Down the Hall

        {After about 6 steps:}

       (2) 1’s turn alone;* 2’s fall behind 1’s

       (8) Return UP Hall {2’s following 1’s}

A2  When back at place:

(4) 1’s Cast and go below; 2’s move up*

       (4) 2’s Cast and go below; 1’s move up**

(8) 2’s Swing; end swing facing UP the hall

B1  With SAME neighbors:

(16) Neighbor Balance-Swing

B2  (8) Long lines F/B

       (8) 1’s Swing; end swing facing new neighbors


A1: Usually dancers are encouraged to turn towards their neighbor when they turn alone in a Down the Hall. Here, it works better if the 1’s turn toward each other.

A2: The Cast and go below is borrowed from English Dance. 1’s cast first, pushing off from partner {with inside hand} and looping around {outside shoulder} to rejoin partner below the 2’s, who have meanwhile moved up to the spot just vacated by their neighbors.

A2: 1’s will want to step back to edge of set while 2’s are swinging AND position themselves above these 2’s to be ready for the [SAME] Neighbor Balance-Swing in B1.


Meet Me in Mentone (9/24/15)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Four-Face-Four (Improper formation)

I wrote this dance in honor of friends Linda and Roger James of Birmingham. They have been asking us for years to join them at their annual dance weekend in Mentone, Alabama. We finally did in 2015 and had a great time  

See it danced here:

Key:   TB (Trail Buddy) = Opposite gender dancer in your line of 4

            Ne (Neighbor) = Opposite gender dancer facing you at start of A1

A1  (8) Lines of 4 go F/B

       [With Ne across; Lady’s Left in Gent’s R-hand]

       (4) Star thru*

       (4) Roll Lady with half-sashay

       [End in Long Lines orientation, as if in 2 contra lines]**

A2  (8) Couples go F/B, TWO by TWO

       [Center couples: Make an Arch] 

       (4) Pass through across, Ends ducking under arches

       (4) Do Si Do the one you meet***

B1  [Same couples:]

       (16) Melt-down Swing the Do-Si-Did

B2  [All 8:]

(8) Circle Left 1/2

(8) Swing your Partner!

[End swing facing original direction]


A1: Star thru = The couple begins facing each other, with the gent's right hand and the lady's left hand joined. If the figure begins with the gent facing north and the lady south, then both will be facing east when the figure ends (with the lady on the gent's right). CALLER, TAKE NOTE: This is one of the lesser used “Twirl to Swap” moves that we do in contra dance; even experienced dancers would benefit from a demonstration.

A1: Originally written as “Long Lines.” In practice, however, it simply doesn’t work to get dancers into long lines, so they should just dance forward and back 2 x 2.

A2: For the Do Si Do in A2 (and the swing in B1), Centers will be with TB; Ends will be with Ne.

Moose Tracks (9/20/22)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Becket formation; start one-quarter turn to left of Improper; dance progresses clockwise.

Progression occurs with Shift Left at top of A1

For Moose Flores

See it danced here:

A1 (2) Shift L to next Neighbors*

(6) Circle L 3/4

(8) Neighbors Swing

[End in Promenade position facing CCW around the set]

A2 (8) Promenade the oval CCW {Think: giant bicycle chain}

[Turn as couple; {Ladies/Robins are now in center}]

(8) Return CW to couple with Partner in it

{Switch from Promenade Position to hand-hold; take a step past partner-couple, slipping behind them to start a…}

B1 (6) Couples’ Do-Si-Do {about 3/4 way around}

[When face-to-face with Partner:]

(10) {As Individuals} Do-Si-Do

B2 (16) Balance /Swing Partner


A1: CALLER: During walk-thru & 1st time thru, dancers do not Shift Left.

Pam Paulson’s New, Improved Slice of Cake (11-24-23)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Becket formation; start one-quarter turn to RIGHT of Improper; this dance progresses CCW.

You know how you find packages of cake mix, say, at the grocery store with “new, improved” on the box? This is, I am hoping, a newly improved version of a dance I wrote in honor of Pam Paulson as she was celebrating a birthday (I forget which one) in 2018.

See it danced here:

A1  (8) Slice and Take* [Slice R/Ladies Take]

       (8) Swing that Neighbor

       [End swing facing down the hall]

A2  (6) Lines of 4 go Down the Hall

       (4) Turn alone

       (6) Back at place; fold the line

B1  (8) [Ladies push] FULL Poussette

{Dancers end poussette where they started}

       {2 Gents hold left hand; 2 ladies hold Right}

(8) [Hands across] Gazing Star*** 3 places CW

B2  (10) Swing Partner


A1: The Slice and Take: Basically, a hybrid of 2 contra moves—the “Slice (Right)” and the Give and Take. Slice Right to new Neighbors EXCEPT instead of returning to side of set with Partner, Ladies bring Neighbor back with them (to swing). CALLER: During walk thru and 1st time thru, substitute here a standard-issue Give and Take.

B2: “Gazing Star” is what I'm calling the move FKA Gypsy Star.  In this case, the Star travels clock-wise, gents walking backwards, ending w/ partners on the lady’s side of the set. A standard-issue Star Right can be substituted here.

Rob 'n Amy in the Sky with Diamonds (7/1/19) 

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation. Double progression. 1st Progression occurs mid- B1; 2nd Progression occurs mid-B2

Celebrating Rob Bylls and Amy Schroeder, who got married in 2020, during the Pandemic.

See it danced here: 

A1 [With Same:]

(6) Gents Allemande-Right 1 x while Ladies orbit 1/2 CCW

(10) Swing Partner {on Gent’s side}

A2 (4) Ladies cross Right, as if starting Half a Hey

(4) Gents Ricochet back to Neighbor

(8) Swing Neighbor

B1* (8) Long lines F/B

(8) WITH NEXT: Circle L 1 x

B2 (8) [Ladies push] 1/2 Poussette to NEXT Neighbors

[With these NEW Neighbors:]

(8) Mad Robin [with Gents in center first]


B1: Dancers at the top will never be out. Depending on the number of couples dancing, this might be true at the bottom as well. 

CALLER TAKE NOTE(!!!): The Circle Left in B1 is the ONLY interaction with the second set of neighbors before progressing to the next. Dancers at the top (& maybe the bottom) should get into improper position immediately to be ready for the Mad Robin of B2 

Rollin’ in the Do-Re-Mi (4-15-24)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation.

See it danced here:

A1  (8) Long lines F/B

       [While] Ladies: Roll {NEXT} Neighbor with 1/2 sashay

(8) Ladies Chain to Partner

A2  (8) Long lines F/B

       [While] Gents: Roll Partner with 1/2 sashay

(8) Gents (!!!) {right-hand} Chain to (same) Neighbor

B1  (8) Gents Do-Si-Do 1.5 turns

       (8) Swing Partner 

B2  (8) Ladies Do Si Do 1.5 turns

       (8) Swing Neighbor

Shadow Boxing (3/7/17)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Becket formation; start one-quarter turn to right of Improper; this dance progresses counterclockwise. Double progression. Progression occurs with diagonal R/L thru in B2.

I named this dance “Shadow Boxing” because dancers execute the Box Circulate with their Trail Buddies aka Shadows. With a nod to Bob Isaacs, whose “United We Dance” inspired this choreography.

A1* [w/ Couple across]

(8) Star Left

       [End in long wavy lines, Ladies facing in; Partner in L-hand]

       (4) Balance R/ Balance L

       (4) Rory* past Trail Buddy


A2* Box Circulate:

       (8) Balance [F/B]; Ladies cross; Gents loop L

       {Gents follow their Trail Buddies}

(8) Balance [F/B]; Gents cross; Ladies loop L


B1  (16) Balance-Swing Partner {on Neighbor’s side}


B2** (8) Long lines F/B

       (8) On LEFT diagonal: R/L thru




A1; A2: At top of the set (and SOMETIMES at the bottom) dancers will be standing out with Trail Buddy. CALLER: To avoid end effects: If (during the Rory) your TRAIL BUDDY is on the OPPOSITE side of the set (always at the top; sometimes at the bottom) do NOT participate in either the Rory or the Box Circulate! Keep lady on the right and wait for partner.


B2: The Left-Diagonal R/L means there will be no one out at the top of the set. Bottom of the set, as well, depending on the number of couples in the set. During Long Lines, if there is a couple out at the bottom, they should stand on the same side of the set, to prepare for that L-diagonal.



Slo Mo Bo Circ (Slow Motion Box Circulate) (11/11/22)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Becket formation; start one-quarter turn to Left of Improper; dance progresses CW.

A double progression dance; Progression occurs with Right/Left Thru at top of B2

Key:   SGN = Same Gender Neighbor

OGN = Opposite Gender Neighbor

TB = Trail Buddy

A1* (4) Ladies: 4 steps in to a Power Line*

{Current SGN in L-hand; Partner shifts to personal Right}

(4) Balance the wave

(4) Ladies: 4 steps FWD/form 2 wavy lines [up/down set]

{OGN in L-hand}

(4) Balance the wave

A2* (4) Gents: 4 steps in to a Power Line {SGN in L-hand}

(4) Balance the wave

(4) Gents: 4 steps FWD/form 2 waves {PARTNER in L-hand}

(4) Balance the wave

B1 (8) TBs: Allemande-Right 1 x

(8) Swing Partner

B2** On RIGHT Diagonal:

(8) R/L thru

(8) Long Lines F/B

{Couple across during Long Lines are NEW Neighbors}


A1; A2: The “Power Line” is a wavy line stretching down the center of the set. CALLER: While 50% of dancers are in Power-Line formation, the other 50% should line up BEHIND (facing the BACK of) the dancers with their backs to them (In A1, it’s one’s partner; in A2, it’s the OGN).

B2: The Right-Diagonal R/L means there will be nobody out at the top of the set. Might be the case bottom of the set, as well, depending on the number of couples dancing. CALLER: During the LL F/B, instruct dancers to take a good look at the couple across, they’ll need to know who to hold Left hands with in A1 thru A2 

Stump Speech (2/6/23)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation.

Why “Stump Speech”? Because the dance has circles going to both the left and the right, because there’s the Petronella **spin** and because some people might even clap after the spin (but not all;).

A1  (8) Circle Left 1 x

(8) Swing Neighbor

A2  (8) Ladies Chain to Partner

       (8) Circle RIGHT 1x

B1  (16) Balance-Swing Partner

B2  (4) Balance the ring

(4) Spin one place to the Right (as in Petronella) 

       (4) Balance the ring

(4) Pass thru

Swing States (10/6/12)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation

Double progression.1st Progression occurs top of A1; 2nd Progression occurs top of A2

I wrote this dance in honor of the 2012 Presidential. You will note the movement to the left and the movement to the right and the **3** separate swings—though of course there are several more states in play in any given election)

A1 (8) Long lines F/B

(8) Gents: Swing the Neighbor in your L-hand*

A2 (8) Long lines F/B

(8) Gents: Swing the (NEXT) Neighbor*

B1 [with same Neighbors:]

(6) Circle left 3/4

(10) Swing partner

B2 (8) Ladies chain

(8) Circle RIGHT 4/4 

[End in Long Lines] 


A1 & A2: 1’s are above; 2’s below. In long lines, the gent will be standing between two ladies. It is the neighbor lady in the gent’s L-hand who gets swung.


Swing States 2.024 (4-9-24)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Becket formation; start one-quarter turn to left of Improper; dance progresses CW. Double progression! Progression occurs mid-A2 and mid-B1.

New presidential election; (slightly) new dance. I wrote the original Swing States early in my dance-writing career… Well, lately it began troubling me that couples were out at the top from mid-A2 thru B2. And that’s when it occurred to me that starting the step sequence with the (former) dance’s B2 (i.e., in Becket, after the partner-swing) would get everyone dancing throughout the choreography, no exceptions (well, except maybe at the bottom of the set).

Everybody vote, y’all!

See it danced here:

A1  (8) Ladies chain

(8) Circle RIGHT one full time around 

{End in Long Lines} 

A2  (8) Long lines F/B

(8) Gents: Swing the Neighbor in your L-hand

B1  (8) Long lines F/B

(8) Gents: Swing the (NEXT) Neighbor

B2  [with same Neighbors:]

(6) Circle left 3/4

(10) Swing partner 

Through Line (1-1-24)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation; double progression. Progression occurs top of A1and top of B1

See it danced here:

A1  (16) Balance*/Swing Neighbor One

A2  (6) Circle Left 3/4

       (10) Swing Partner

B1  (2) Shift L to next Neighbors

       (6) Circle L 3/4

       (8) Swing Neighbor Two

[End in lines of 4 facing down the hall]

B2  (14) Lines of 4 Down the Hall and back (turn alone)

       [When back at place]

       Center two (the 2’s!): Make an Arch

       (2) 1’s pass thru, under the arch


A1: If there’s no time for a balance, just swing. 

Two Birds, One Stone (11/1/23)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation.

A1 [with NEW Neighbors]

(8) Circle Left {1 full time around}

(8) Mad Robin (Ladies in center first)

A2 (6) Ladies Allemande-Left 1 x

(10) Neighbor Swing

[End swing facing down hall]

B1 (16) Lines of 4 Down the Hall (and back); turn as couples

{Bend line, but ends do NOT join hands}

B2 [With 2’s in center first:]

(8) 2’s start Crazed Sparrow

(8) 2’s Swing  


B2: The Crazed Sparrow (CS) is like the Mad Robin (MR). Here’s the difference: in the MR, dancers on either side of the set follow the path of a Do-Si-Do as they dance around each other; in the CS, on one side of the set, one pair of dancers follow the path of a Do-Si-Do, while on the other side, dancers follow the path of a See Saw. (These mirror-image paths put partners in center of set together! Brief touching is allowed and is, in fact, encouraged!) 

Vote Blue No Matter Who, Version 2.024 (5-2-24)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Becket formation; start one-quarter turn to left of Improper; this dance progresses clockwise.

I wrote the original in 2020. This is a new, improved version-- that I am rolling out in time for the 2024 Presidential-- but many of the same features remain: Take note of all the glad-handing in A2. And the Star and the Long Wavy Lines in B1 are meant to be evocative of all the flag-waving that happens on the campaign trail.

A1* (2) Slice Left to new neighbors:

(6) Ladies Do-Si-Do 1 x

(8) Swing Partner

A2  (4) Ladies: R-hand Balance

       (4) Ladies: Pull-by R to switch [places] {Drop hands}

(4) Gents: R-hand Balance

       (4) Gents: Pull-by R to switch [places] {Don’t drop hands}

B1  (8) [Hands Across] Star Right

[End in Wavy Lines up/down hall with Gents facing in]

       (4) Balance the [Blue!] wave

       (4) Balance the wave again

B2  (8) Gents cross Left, for Half a Hey

(8) Swing Partner (again)


A1: CALLER: During walk thru and 1st time thru, couples do not slice left, dancing instead with couple across.

Waveland Avenue (revised 2/9/19)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation.

See it danced here:

{Dance starts in short wavy lines, [Ladies in center, L-hands joined]}

A1 (4) Balance the Wave*

(4) Allemande-Right 3/4

[End in Wavy Lines up/down hall with Gents facing out and Ladies facing Partner’s back]

Begin Box Circulate**:

(8) Balance the Wave; Ladies cross; Gents loop R

A2 (8) Balance the Wave; Gents cross; Ladies loop R

(8) Balance the Wave; Ladies cross; Gents loop R

B1 (16) Balance-Swing Partner {on Lady’s side}

B2 {with same Neighbors}:

(8) {wrist-hold} Star Left 3/4

(4) Neighbors {handshake-grip} L-hand Balance

(4) Pull-by Left

{Take R-hand with NEXT neighbor; form short wavy lines, ready to dance A1}


A1: All balances in dance can be Forward/Back.

A1: All loops in A1-A2 are to dancer’s personal Right (i.e., clockwise)

Welcome to the Dance (5/31/19)

by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Improper formation.

A1  (4) Ladies: R-hand Balance

       (4) Ladies: Pull-by R to switch [places] {Drop hands}

(4) Gents: R-hand Balance

       (4) Gents: Pull-by R to switch [places] {Drop hands}

A2  (16) Neighbor Balance-Swing

B1  (8) Ladies Do Si Do

       (8) Swing Partner

B2  {with same Neighbors}:

(8) {wrist-hold} Star Left 3/4

       (4) Neighbors {handshake-grip} L-hand Balance

(4) Pull-by Left

 {Ladies take R-hand, ready to dance A1 with next Neighbors}