In The Burnout Society (original German title: Mdigkeitsgesellschaft), Han characterizes today's society as a pathological landscape of neuronal disorders such as depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, borderline personality and burnout. He claims that they are not "infections" but "infarcts", which are not caused by the negativity of people's immunology, but by an excess of positivity.[8] According to Han, driven by the demand to persevere and not to fail, as well as by the ambition of efficiency, we become committers and sacrificers at the same time and enter a swirl of demarcation, self-exploitation and collapse. "When production is immaterial, everyone already owns the means of production, him- or herself. The neoliberal system is no longer a class system in the proper sense. It does not consist of classes that display mutual antagonism. This is what accounts for the system's stability."[9]

[7] Todo estudante deve ter a educao clssica como referncia, pois ela apresenta uma noo superior da educao, diferente daquela promovida pela pedagogia dominante. A leitura est no corao da educao clssica, ao passo que a perda dessa educao significou, para o mundo ocidental, a perda significativa da arte de ler. Este livro traz uma sntese dos aspectos mais elevados da educao clssica e do estudo da filosofia em geral. Esperamos que, com a sua leitura, o estudante compreenda de uma vez por todas a importncia do estudo da gramtica, da dialtica e da retrica, e a elas busque se dedicar seriamente.

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