Living Room Rugs

A Beginner’s Guide for Decorating Living Rooms

Living room is the space that helps you set the tone of your home. In order to create a lasting impression on the guests, the living room should be done right. The décor of this room reveals your taste and what to expect from the rest of the interior design. There’re so many options to explore when styling the living room. You can take a formal and elegant or a laid back, fun-loving and quirky approach. You can either stylize your living room traditionally or in a contemporary way. Whatever route you choose to take, be sure that it reflects your inner style so that you feel confident about it.

A lot goes into decorating the living room; many aspects such as furniture, the arrangement of furniture, color of walls, accessories, curtains and living room rugs all have to look harmonious as well as appealing together. This is easier said than done. Beginners often get confused in deciphering the right starting point so that everything blends together seamlessly. According to many interior designers, the first step towards a great living room is to actually explore your inner style. You can do that easily by flipping the pages of your favorite interior design magazine or scrolling down Instagram pages or by actually visiting your friends or family member’s living rooms for taking creative inspiration.

For getting the right kind of décor in your living room you also have to take your lifestyle under consideration. Some people use living rooms only for guests and only enter there when needed, some people use living rooms as a second bedroom and eat, sleep and lounge there all the time and only go to the bedroom for sleeping. Others like to spend evenings there, sip a cup of tea or watch a Netflix show just to unwind and catch up with kids and family. Do reflect well on the usage of living rooms in your home so that you can decorate and invest accordingly. Regardless of the practical utility of the living room, be sure that everything that goes in the décor is loved and adored by you, after all it’s your living room.

When you are sorted about the usage of the living room and have done enough research on exploring your style, it’s now time to guide you forward with some tips that can take your décor to the next level. All these tips and tricks are accumulated after much research from top interior designers so that each beginner can stylize their living room just like a pro.

1. Furniture Selection and Arrangement

Living rooms require furniture that is more formal than any other area of the home, yet it looks elegant, stylish and unique. Visit furniture shops and try to pick up pieces that resonate with your inner style the most. Next step is the arrangement, most people are happy by just pushing a big sofa against the wall, surrounding some wing chairs or formal chairs against each other and setting a coffee table in between. But if you opt for going the predictable way then don’t expect that your living room will look different.

Move forward with some planning, when buying furniture keep in mind the arrangement and by accessories that compliment that furniture. Rugs Springfield of some unique rug pieces that can become the focal point of your living room and you can create a conversational area and work with that.

2. Lighting

According to many interior designers, if the lighting game is on point then your living room is destined to be an interior heaven. The lighting done in living rooms is far less complex than other rooms of the home as it’s more decorative and less task based. Having said that, there’re still three main types of lighting that must be included in the décor; mood, task and focus. Try using light on different levels starting from an overhead chandelier, scatter light sources for a well-lit room and accentuate by adding wall sconces, spotlights and lamps.

3. Area Rugs

Living room rugs have the ability to make or break the entire look of the room. Following a few thumb rules can save you from disaster. Firstly don’t just buy any rug just because you loved it at first sight. A rug too small will make the room appear incoherent and fragmented. The best rug is that anchors the furniture and or at least the front legs of the furniture must be sitting on the rug, on top of that there should be a 10-20 inch space between the wall and the rug.

4. Wall Coat Color

People often choose paint color as their starting point, as it’s the longest, most troublesome and lengthy process. But paint is inexpensive, bounding your decor with something that is inexpensive and basing expensive items on that decision can have dire consequences. So choose your expensive items first and then coat your walls with hues that go with the look.

5. Accessories

If anything that literally elevates, accentuates and ties everything together beautifully then it has to be the accessories with place in our living area. Those decorative pillow covers, the splendid artwork, rugs Tulsa, accent decorative pieces and the window treatment all work together to make your efforts come to life. Accessories are very important and must be given their due. Sometimes you stumble upon an accessory that can become the focal point of your living room and thus the starting point for other things as well, so take them seriously.

6. Placement and Setting

Shopping for things and flipping through magazines is one thing but to actually make all the things you have bought, work together need some homework. Firstly, try measuring the space you want to put the furniture in, secondly when buying things mentally place them in that setting and visualize how they look. Thirdly go with your gut, if you feel strongly about something then you’ll make It work, trust me. Just don’t be impulsive!

Ending lines

Decorating the living rooms is a fun way to explore your inner stylist. Some people are naturally talented in doing so but others need some help and guidance. This article is a great starting point for that. Hopefully you find something useful in it which enables you to create the living room of your dreams.