2nd Liverpool Nasolacrimal and Orbital Dissection Course

Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th September 2025

This course is aimed at Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) and Ophthalmology higher surgical trainees (ST5-ST8), senior fellows and consultants looking to improve their understanding and surgical skills in joint ENT/ophthalmology nasolacrimal and orbital surgeries.

The aim of this course is to provide a comprehensive applied anatomy overview and essential surgical skills in external and transnasal endoscopic approaches. This unique course has been designed to optimise cross-pollination of skill sets across both surgical subspecialties.

The course consists of half day tutorials and a full day supervised hands-on cadaveric dissection on Thiel embalmed cadavers at the state-of-the-art anatomy laboratory at the University of Liverpool.

Supported by experienced ENT and oculoplastic surgeons, topics will include surgeries for epiphora including DCR, orbital abscess drainage, management of ethmoidal artery haemorrhage and orbital decompression.

Course fee: £850 for dissectors, £300 for observers

 Key features:

Feedback from previous course: 

"excellent course with enthusiastic and engaging faculty"

"an excellent concept combining ENTs and ophthalmologist together in the course to share knowledge and experience"

"Very approachable tutors"