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You can also make your resume and profile searchable. Making your resume searchable adds it to the USAJOBS resume bank. HR specialists and hiring managers from federal agencies use the resume bank to look for people to fill their job vacancies.

Some institutions may enable a feature in Canvas called Profiles. Profiles allows you to update your name, preferred contact methods, and any personal links for your account. Your profile information can be viewed by all users in your courses.

______As created in your user profile, email addresses do not appear as a contact method and are only used for Canvas notifications. Canvas users should contact each other via Conversations.

To add personal links to your profile, such as personal websites, blogs, or portfolios, enter the title of the link in the title field [1]. Type the URL in the URL field [2]. Click the 1______ icon to delete the link [3]. Click the 2________________ button to add another link [4].

A work profile separates the work-related data from the personal data on your enrolled device. The work profile lives on a separate part of the device so that your personal things stay private and unaffected by work. In this article, you'll learn how to:

After you've set up the work profile, you may see duplicate apps on your device. For example, you could have two Outlook apps. Use the version that's marked with the briefcase whenever you're doing work-related tasks.

Once you've set up a work profile, your organization can automatically install work apps on your device. You can access all work apps in the work profile. The location of the work profile varies by device manufacturer and Android version. This section describes where to find the work profile in the app drawer and on the home screen.

If the query was run on the local cluster, the cluster name is left out of thecomposite id and is marked "(local)" here. For a profile running on a remote_clusterusing cross-cluster search, the "id" value would be something like[q2aE02wS1R8qQFnYu6vDVQ][remote1:my-index-000001][0] and the "cluster"value would be remote1.

The profile itself may consist of one or more "searches", where a search is aquery executed against the underlying Lucene index. Most search requestssubmitted by the user will only execute a single search against the Luceneindex. But occasionally multiple searches will be executed, such as including aglobal aggregation (which needs to execute a secondary "match_all" query for theglobal context).

Inside each search object there will be two arrays of profiled information:a query array and a collector array. Alongside the search object is anaggregations object that contains the profile information for theaggregations. In the future, more sections may be added, such as suggest,highlight, etc.

Like any profiler, the Profile API introduces a non-negligible overhead tosearch execution. The act of instrumenting low-level method calls such ascollect, advance, and next_doc can be fairly expensive, since thesemethods are called in tight loops. Therefore, profiling should not be enabledin production settings by default, and should not be compared againstnon-profiled query times. Profiling is just a diagnostic tool.

There are also cases where special Lucene optimizations are disabled, since theyare not amenable to profiling. This could cause some queries to report largerrelative times than their non-profiled counterparts, but in general should nothave a drastic effect compared to other components in the profiled query.

Click on the ONVIF Profile Feature Overview v2.6 (April 2022) to get an overview and a comparison of the features supported by all ONVIF profiles, and whether the features are considered mandatory (M) or conditional (C) for a conformant device or client.

The FDIC is proud to be a pre-eminent source of U.S. banking industry research, including quarterly banking profiles, working papers, and state banking performance data. Browse our extensive research tools and reports.

The Earthdata Login provides a single mechanism for user registration and profile management for all EOSDIS system components (DAACs, Tools, Services). Your Earthdata login also helps the EOSDIS program better understand the usage of EOSDIS services to improve user experience through customization of tools and improvement of services. EOSDIS data are openly available to all and free of charge except where governed by international agreements.

In the Ultra experience, user profile pictures appear next to their activity throughout courses and on individual profile pages. Instructor profile pictures also appear on their course cards on the Courses page. If users don't upload profile pictures, a generic silhouette appears in these areas.

In the Ultra Course View, instructor profile pictures appear on course content pages, rosters, and in discussions, conversations, and messages next to their activity. Student profile pictures appear in rosters, the gradebook, and next to their activity also.

In the Original Course View, user profile pictures appear in the roster, and in discussions, blogs, journals, wikis, and group activity. Instructor profile pictures also appear in the notification modules. When no profile picture exists, the generic silhouette is used.

The profile tool is always on in the base navigation in the Ultra experience. You can't turn it off. However, you have some options about uploading profile pictures in the Admin Panel > Tools and Utilities > Avatars.

All profile users, except for those with the Netflix Kids experience, can access and edit Profile & Parental Controls for individual profiles. Your account password is required to edit Viewing Restrictions or Profile Lock.

You can add a different email address to any secondary Adult profile to receive personalized recommendations and other communications from Netflix. Email addresses associated with secondary profiles can't be used to sign in to your Netflix account.

To add or change the email associated with a secondary profile: 5376163bf9

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