Featured Publications

We propose X-ING (Cross-INtegrative Genomics) for cross-omics and cross-context integrative analysis.

We propose the use of a unified and principled probabilistic model, PRECAST, to simultaneously estimate low-dimensional embeddings for biological effects between cell/domain types, perform spatial clustering, and most importantly, align embeddings for normalized gene expression matrices from multiple tissue slides.

We propose the use of a probabilistic model, SpatialAnno, which performs cell/domain-type assignments for SRT data and has the capability of leveraging non-marker genes to assign cell/domain types via a factor model while accounting for spatial information via a Potts model.

A Deep Generative Approach to Conditional Sampling. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2023, 118(543):1837-1848. 

Generalized factor model for ultra-high dimensional correlated variables with mixed types. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2023, 118(542): 1385-1401.

We propose MR-CUE (MR with Correlated horizontal pleiotropy Unraveling shared Etiology and confounding), for estimating causal effect while identifying IVs with CHP and accounting for estimation uncertainty.

We propose a unified and principled method to both estimate low-dimensional embeddings relevant to latent class labels and, in the case of spatial transcriptomics analysis, further leverage these embeddings with spatial information to perform spatial clustering using an HMRF.

We propose a tissue-specific collaborative mixed model (TisCoMM) for TWASs, leveraging the co-regulation of genetic variations across different tissues explicitly via a unified probabilistic model.