About Us

We are a nonprofit organization that was established in 2001. Our center is located in Fairbank, Iowa. We currently have 81 children enrolled in the Little Island Child Care Program. Our program consists of an infant room, two-year-old room, three-year-old room, transition room and a latchkey program. Little Island Child Care Center is QRS level 4 rated child care center. We also participate in the CACFP Food Program.

The children who attend our center learn through hands on play, social emotional learning techniques as well as through engaging activities. The children also participate in events around the community such as story hour at the library.

Infant Room: Ages 6 weeks - 18 months

Two-Year-Old: 18 months - 3 years old

Three-Year-Old Room: 3 years - 4 years

Transition Room: 4 Years - Preschool

Latchkey: Preschool: - 6th grade