
Jamie (the creator of the comic):

Age: I'm not saying

Pronouns: He/Him

Hobbies: drawing, writing

Birthday: March 24th

Sexuality: I just like humans

Likes: music, art, reading, eddsworld, beatles, dark humour

Dislikes: having dumb reasons to hate people like race & gender, saying you like dark humour yet can't take a jab at yourself, faking depression

Positions: writer, comic artist, animator, voice actor


*insert an introduction here*


HEY! I'm Vince and I like p*ssy! (wtf-)

pronouns: the boy ones

age: ???

birthday: March 24th

Positions: voice actor


Hello there! I'm Pro, a writer of this comic with Jamie and some others.

I met Jamie through the B.F.A.G(Brawls for a gift card) server and from the time he invited me to the Little E Comics server, I start to involve into the comics. Yeah, that's it.

Name: *insert Vietnamese name here*

Age: ...

Pronouns: he or him

Hobbies: draw, animate

Birthday: June 20th

I'm Male

Likes: animation, games, memes

Dislike: Redhoodvn and Meuchannel (you will understand if you're Vietnamese), being an asshole to me

Positions: writer and voice actor


nicknames: Angel, Chris

Age: ???

Pronouᥒs: She/Her

Hobbies: Singing, art

Birthday, Zodiac: September 28th, Libra

Sexuality Straight ally

Likes: Music, socializing

Dislikes: Bullying

Other: I'm an Orthodox Christian, but I'm not strict lmao

Positions: Voice actor


Nickname: Maxie

Age: I'm Not Saying

Gender: Yes (Demi-Boy)

Sexuality: Bisexual (If you needed to know that-)

Positions: Writer