Leaders' & PARENTS' Guide Resources
Adventurer Song
A nice way to start your meeting by singing the Adventurer Song.
BASIC Requirements
I. Recite the Adventurer Pledge.
Here it is the Adventurer Pledge if you would like to recite it with the Little Lambs.
This is another way to learn the Adventurer Pledge. The Little Lambs will have fun using their sign language.
II. Sing Jesus is My Shepherd.
Little Lambs
I'm a Little Lamb today;
Jesus is my Shepherd.
My Shepherd loves me day by day;
Jesus is my Shepherd
I will follow where He leads;
He gives me everything I need;
I'm a Little Lamb today
Jesus is my Shepherd.
Little Lambs' song is a beautiful way for our little ones to learn how Jesus takes care of them.
I. Complete three or more of the following: Meeting 2
(Leader's Guide pg. 37-42) will cover My God triangle patch.
c. Say three things you have learned
Ask for volunteers to share three things they have learned.
II. Complete the Wooly Lamb Star. Meeting 1
(Leader's Guide pg. 31-36)
Craft Ideas:
You may provide the materials needed to make a lamp puppet and put them in a zip-lock bag for parents to pick them up. The children can make the lamb at home, so when you meet with the Little Lambs through ZOOM you can teach them to baa like a lamb. You can read Lambs are Baby Sheep or any other Lambs book and discuss with the children the new things they heard.
II. Complete the Little Boy Jesus Star. Meeting 5
(Leader's Guide pg. 55-60)
I. Complete three or more of the following: Meeting 4
(Leader's Guide pg.49-54) will cover My Self triangle puzzle patch.
c. Say three things you have learn about bodies
Ask for volunteers to share three things they have learned.
II. Complete the Sharing Star. Meeting 7
(Leader's Guide pg. 67-72)
This answer key is for your reference.
III. Complete the Healthy Foods Star. Meeting 8
(Leader's Guide pg.73-78)
I. Complete three or more of the following: Meeting 10
(Leader's Guide pg.85-90) Will cover My Family triangle patch.
c. Say three things you have learn about bodies
Ask for volunteers to share three things they have learned.
e. Complete an activity about Families
Teacher/Parent feel free to choose a different activity if you prefer.
II. Complete the Special Helper star. Meeting 11
(Leader's Guide pg. 91-96)
III. Complete the Healthy Me star. Meeting 13
(Leader's Guide pg. 103-108)
I. Complete three or more of the following: Meeting 3
(Leader's Guide pg.43-47) will cover My World triangle patch.
II. Complete the My Friend Jesus star. Meeting 14
(Leader's Guide pg. 109-114)
III. Complete the Community Helpers star. Meeting 15
(Leader's Guide pg. 115-120)
Bible Friends
Bodies of Water
Finger Play
Insects Music
Trains & Trucks
Trikes & Bikes
Zoo Animals
Teacher/Parent these answer keys are for your reference to complete these additional stars.
New website from North American Division