Leaders' & PARENTS' Guide Resources

Adventurer Song

A nice way to start your meeting by singing the Adventurer Song.

BASIC Requirements

I. Recite the Adventurer Pledge.

Here it is the Adventurer Pledge if you would like to recite it with the Little Lambs.

This is another way to learn the Adventurer Pledge. The Little Lambs will have fun using their sign language.

This is an interactive engaging Adventurer Song that includes the pledge by One Accord for the Little Lambs to learn according to their age.

Hope they enjoy it. Have Fun!

II. Sing Jesus is My Shepherd.

Little Lambs

I'm a Little Lamb today;

Jesus is my Shepherd.

My Shepherd loves me day by day;

Jesus is my Shepherd

I will follow where He leads;

He gives me everything I need;

I'm a Little Lamb today

Jesus is my Shepherd.

Little Lambs' song is a beautiful way for our little ones to learn how Jesus takes care of them.


I. Complete three or more of the following: Meeting 2

(Leader's Guide pg. 37-42) will cover My God triangle patch.

a. Sing a song about Jesus with sign language

An interactive way for Little Lambs to sing the song and do hand movements to praise Jesus at the same time.

b. Listen to a story about Jesus.

A little video to show the birth of Jesus

c. Say three things you have learned

Ask for volunteers to share three things they have learned.

d. Make a craft about Jesus Birth

A different way to make a craft about Jesus' Birth. After children finish, they can eat it.

**If there is a child who is allergic to peanut butter you can replace it with cake icing.

e. Complete and activity about Jesus

Little Lambs can use crayons or water colors to paint their feet.

II. Complete the Wooly Lamb Star. Meeting 1

(Leader's Guide pg. 31-36)

Instructor's ZOOM time

This answer key is for your reference.

Craft Ideas:

You may provide the materials needed to make a lamp puppet and put them in a zip-lock bag for parents to pick them up. The children can make the lamb at home, so when you meet with the Little Lambs through ZOOM you can teach them to baa like a lamb. You can read Lambs are Baby Sheep or any other Lambs book and discuss with the children the new things they heard.

II. Complete the Little Boy Jesus Star. Meeting 5

(Leader's Guide pg. 55-60)

Teacher/Parent's answer key for Little Lamb

This answer key is for your reference.

Video: Jesus reads in church.

This will fulfill #1 requirement or if you prefer you can read your own story about Jesus

Memory Game

This is an option provided for a memory game about Jesus' birth. It is found on Pinterest, teacher/parent can print it and play with the Little Lamb. Enjoy!

Here is an example of little boy Jesus in the temple.

Fun coloring activity. Once you click on the picture, it will take you to Pinterest. There you can see how Jesus moves from one side of the page to the other.


I. Complete three or more of the following: Meeting 4

(Leader's Guide pg.49-54) will cover My Self triangle puzzle patch.

a. Sing a song about the body

Have the Little Lambs exercise with this song about the body.

b. Listen to a story about the body.

This is just an example of an story or you can pick your own to fulfill the requirement.

c. Say three things you have learn about bodies

Ask for volunteers to share three things they have learned.

d. Make a craft about bodies

There are different examples on the internet that you can choose from like the one provided on the top or you can guide the Little Lamb to make their own from their imagination.

e. Complete an activity about bodies

Help the Little Lamb to have a wonderful experience while doing this activity.

II. Complete the Sharing Star. Meeting 7

(Leader's Guide pg. 67-72)

This answer key is for your reference.

Book about Sharing

Teacher/Parent can choose a book available and read it to their Little Lambs.

There is an example above available. Feel free teacher/parent to choose another book that you prefer.

Sharing activities

Here is an example of different activities that parents can choose from to do with their Little Lambs.

Make a craft

It will be a great idea for the Little Lamb to draw a picture and send it to a family member or Little Lamb's friend by mail.

III. Complete the Healthy Foods Star. Meeting 8

(Leader's Guide pg.73-78)

This answer key is for your reference.

List of 15 Children's books about fruits and vegetables

Here are some suggestion of books that can be read to the Little Lamb at home.

Healthy Snacks

Lets make a creative snack. These are some ideas from Pinterest.

You can substitute ingredients if needed.

A different idea to make a craft with the Little Lambs.

Parents can help them prepare this snack. Ingredients can be substituted.


I. Complete three or more of the following: Meeting 10

(Leader's Guide pg.85-90) Will cover My Family triangle patch.

a. Sing a song about Families

Enjoy singing this song with the Little Lambs.

Another song about family. Hope the Little Lambs enjoy it.

b. Listen to a story about Families

Help the Little Lambs to give thanks to God for their families.

c. Say three things you have learn about bodies

Ask for volunteers to share three things they have learned.

d. Make a craft about Families

Teacher/Parent help the Little Lamb write the names of their family members.

e. Complete an activity about Families

Teacher/Parent feel free to choose a different activity if you prefer.

II. Complete the Special Helper star. Meeting 11

(Leader's Guide pg. 91-96)

This answer key is for your reference.

Book about Chores

Hope the Little Lambs help out with chores after this video.

Clean Up Song

Teacher/Parent sing along with the Little Lambs and have a great time.

Chores Schedule

Chore Chart for the Little Lambs to help out at home.

III. Complete the Healthy Me star. Meeting 13

(Leader's Guide pg. 103-108)

This answer key is for your reference.

Exercise Story

Teacher/Parent help the Little Lambs to understand the importance of exercising.

Exercise Song

Teacher/Parent join the Little Lambs with this activity by exercising together.

13 Indoor activities for healthy Little Lambs

Enjoy this activity.


I. Complete three or more of the following: Meeting 3

(Leader's Guide pg.43-47) will cover My World triangle patch.

a. Sing a song about Creation

Fun activity to learn about the days of the Creation

b. Listen to a story about Creation

Animated video for Little Lambs.

c. Say three things you've learned about Creation

Ask for volunteers to share three things they have learned.

d. Make a craft about Creation

Teacher/Parent feel free to do another craft if you prefer.

e. Complete an activity about Creation

This is a special activity. Hope the Little Lambs have fun.

II. Complete the My Friend Jesus star. Meeting 14

(Leader's Guide pg. 109-114)

This answer key is for your reference.

Story about Jesus

Teacher/Parent ask volunteers to share something about the video.

Sing a song about Jesus

Jesus is our Super Hero, and it is important to remember that the ones in the cartoons are not.

Daddy's Helper

Teacher/Parent this activity is for the Little Lambs to see Jesus as an example to help their parents too.

Make a friend craft

This craft the Little Lambs can make and share it with a close family member.

The main point is to learn how to share and care for friends as Jesus did.

Make a craft for a friend

This is another example of a craft to share with a family member.

III. Complete the Community Helpers star. Meeting 15

(Leader's Guide pg. 115-120)


This answer key is for your reference.

Story about Community Helpers

Teacher/Parents this video shows the different community helpers that our community has for the Little Lambs.

Pretend Play

Parents help your Little Lamb to dress up and be engaged on her/his pretend play.


Create a community hat that the Little Lambs could use.


  • ABCs

  • Bible Friends

  • Bodies of Water

  • Colors

  • Finger Play

  • Insects Music

  • Numbers

  • Stars

  • Trains & Trucks

  • Trikes & Bikes

  • Weather

  • Zoo Animals

Teacher/Parent these answer keys are for your reference to complete these additional stars.

New website from North American Division
