Alice in Wonderland

On a midafternoon in early August two sisters were preparing a tea party. The sun beamed down on the table of goodies causing the icing on the cupcakes to melt. Alice one of the sisters began to carefully pour the tea into the cups. While Ann the other sister began setting the table.

Once the tea party was ready the sisters sat down to enjoy. Mid bite Alice noticed a young boy run by with a pocket watch. Intrigued by what she saw, she followed the boy. Alice could barely keep up for the boy was walking swiftly.

Suddenly the boy disappeared. Alice confused by where he went, ran to the spot where she last saw him. Once Alice caught up, she noticed a deep hole in the ground. Alice slipped on some loose dirt and feel down the hole.

Down, down, down. Alice felt as though she never stopped falling down. There was nothing else to do but fall down. The hole was lit by lamps hanging from the walls of the tunnel. There was upside down picture frames and floating objects. The hole was cold, but Alice was so frightened she didn’t pay much attention.

Suddenly Alice stopped falling. There was a loud thump as Alice hit the ground. Alice was unphased and jumped up to her feet. She began to look around trying to get a feel for her surroundings. Alice spotted the young boy rapidly walking in the opposite direction. Quickly Alice chased after him. “Excuse me!” “Excuse me!” “Um excuse me! Where are we?” The boy gave no answer.

As Alice got closer to the boy, she heard him mumbling “I’m late I’m late for a very important date.” Confused by what the boy was talking about, Alice continued to follow him. Along the path the boy continued to say, “I’m late I’m late for a very important date” and checked his pocket watch every 10 seconds.

After what seemed to be 20 minutes of scurrying down this path the boy came to a halt. Unware that the boy was going to stop so quickly Alice ran into his back. “We are here” the boy said. Alice opened her eyes and saw nothing but black and white. The trees were dying and there was no sign of chirping birds. “Where are we? This place is lifeless. What happened” Alice asked the boy. The boy replied, “This is Wonderland. The evil Queen of Hearts has taken away all of the joy and we need your help to fix it.”

Alice promised the young boy to do whatever it took to restore the joy in Wonderland. Alice and the boy spent lots of time together for she was there for months trying to defeat the Queen of Hearts. Alice tried everything she could think of and could never outsmart the Queen. It was like the Queen knew what Alice was going to do before Alice did.

Eventually Alice ran out of ideas on how to bring Wonderland back to life. Alice began to cry on the boy’s shoulder as he comforted her by saying how proud of her he was even if she didn’t defeat the Queen. As Alice looked up to thank him, he leaned in and kissed her. Suddenly all of the color, life, and joy was restored to Wonderland. Alice jumped up and yelled “We did it! We did it!” Alice then realized a true loves kiss was the only to defeat the Queen all along. Bringing joy to Wonderland was the only way to restore it.

Alice in Wonderland (photo by Pinterest)

Authors Note:

My inspiration for this story was “Down the Rabbit-Hole” from the Alice in Wonderland unit by Lewis Carroll. In the original story Alice spots a rabbit running by and follows him down a hole. Alice continues to fall down the hole for what seems like an eternity. Until she finally lands in this unknown cartoon like world. I love the story of Alice in Wonderland and wanted to create my own spin on it. In my story the young boy was created to represent the white rabbit. I wanted to create a love story within Alice in Wonderland and heighten the strength and bravery that Alice portrays throughout the story. Down the Rabbit-Hole encouraged me to write a story about a girl who was very driven and had the power to bring joy to everyone she came in contact with. Her drive leads her to never give up and complete the task she was given to restore joy to Wonderland. There are a lot of messages within this story but what I wanted the readers to get out of this reading is you can spread joy to others without evening meaning to. I hope that you enjoyed my last story on my portfolio!