A listener is a process that checks for connection requests, using the protocol and port that you configure. Before you start using your Application Load Balancer, you must add at least one listener. If your load balancer has no listeners, it can't receive traffic from clients. The rules that you define for your listeners determine how the load balancer routes requests to the targets that you register, such as EC2 instances.

Application Load Balancers provide native support for WebSockets. You can upgrade an existing HTTP/1.1 connection into a WebSocket (ws or wss) connection by using an HTTP connection upgrade. When you upgrade, the TCP connection used for requests (to the load balancer as well as to the target) becomes a persistent WebSocket connection between the client and the target through the load balancer. You can use WebSockets with both HTTP and HTTPS listeners. The options that you choose for your listener apply to WebSocket connections as well as to HTTP traffic. For more information, see How the WebSocket Protocol Works in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.

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Application Load Balancers provide native support for HTTP/2 with HTTPS listeners. You can send up to 128 requests in parallel using one HTTP/2 connection. You can use the protocol version to send the request to the targets using HTTP/2. For more information, see Protocol version. Because HTTP/2 uses front-end connections more efficiently, you might notice fewer connections between clients and the load balancer. You can't use the server-push feature of HTTP/2.

Before you start using your VPC Lattice service, you must add one or more listeners. A listener is a process that checks for connection requests, using the protocol and port that you configure. The rules that you define for a listener determine how the service routes requests to its registered targets.

You can create listeners for your VPC Lattice service. When you create a listener, you must specify a name, a default action, and protocol. A listener comes with a default rule. You can also create additional rules for your listener.

All Swing components descend from the AWT Container class, but many of them are not used as containers. So, technically speaking, any Swing component can fire container events, which notify listeners that a component has been added to or removed from the container. Realistically speaking, however, only containers (such as panels and frames) and compound components (such as combo boxes) typically fire container events.

JComponent provides support for three more listener types. You can register an ancestor listener to be notified when a component's containment ancestors are added to or removed from a container, hidden, made visible, or moved. This listener type is an implementation detail which predated hierarchy listeners.

The other two listener types are part of the Swing components' conformance to the JavaBeans specification. Among other things, this means that Swing components support bound and constrained properties and notify listeners of changes to the properties. Property change listeners listen for changes to bound properties and are used by several Swing components, such as formatted text fields, to track changes on a component's bound properties. Also, property change listeners, as well as vetoable change listeners are used by builder tools to listen for changes on constrained properties. For more information refer to the Properties lesson in the JavaBeans trail.

The following table lists Swing components and the specialized listeners they support, not including listeners supported by all Components, Containers, or JComponents. In many cases, the events are fired directly from the component. In other cases, the events are fired from the component's data or selection model. To find out the details for the particular component and listener you are interested in, go first to the component how-to section, and then if necessary to the listener how-to section.

(config.core.v3.Address) The address that the listener should listen on. In general, the address must be unique, thoughthat is governed by the bind rules of the OS. E.g., multiple listeners can listen on port 0 onLinux as the actual port will be allocated by the OS.Required unless api_listener or listener_specifier is populated.

(repeated config.listener.v3.AdditionalAddress) The additional addresses the listener should listen on. The addresses must be unique across alllisteners. Multiple addresses with port 0 can be supplied. When using multiple addresses in a single listener,all addresses use the same protocol, and multiple internal addresses are not supported.

(BoolValue) Whether the listener should set the IP_FREEBIND socket option. When thisflag is set to true, listeners can be bound to an IP address that is notconfigured on the system running Envoy. When this flag is set to false, theoption IP_FREEBIND is disabled on the socket. When this flag is not set(default), the socket is not modified, i.e. the option is neither enablednor disabled.

(config.core.v3.TrafficDirection) Specifies the intended direction of the traffic relative to the local Envoy.This property is required on Windows for listeners using the original destination filter,see Original Destination.

In the scenario that the listener X redirects all the connections to the listeners Y1 and Y2by setting use_original_dst in Xand bind_to_port to false in Y1 and Y2,it is recommended to disable the balance config in listener X to avoid the cost of balancing, andenable the balance config in Y1 and Y2 to balance the connections among the workers.

(BoolValue) When this flag is set to true, listeners set the SO_REUSEPORT socket option andcreate one socket for each worker thread. This makes inbound connectionsdistribute among worker threads roughly evenly in cases where there are a high numberof connections. When this flag is set to false, all worker threads share one socket. This fielddefaults to true. The change of field will be rejected during an listener update when theruntime flag envoy.reloadable_features.enable_update_listener_socket_options is enabled.Otherwise, the update of this field will be ignored quietly.

(config.listener.v3.Listener.InternalListenerConfig) Used to represent an internal listener which does not listen on OSI L4 address but can be used by theenvoy cluster to create a user space connection to.The internal listener acts as a TCP listener. It supports listener filters and network filter chains.Upstream clusters refer to the internal listeners by their name. Address must not be set on the internal listeners.

Can you share your use cases for listeners? What are you using those for exactly?

We are currently defining how we want to support those use cases going forward and as such look into all examples we can find (as some use cases we know from Camunda 7 might be better supported using different constructs).

The method addEventListener() works by adding a function, or an object that implements EventListener, to the list of event listeners for the specified event type on the EventTarget on which it's called. If the function or object is already in the list of event listeners for this target, the function or object is not added a second time.

Note: If a particular anonymous function is in the list of event listeners registered for a certain target, and then later in the code, an identical anonymous function is given in an addEventListener call, the second function will also be added to the list of event listeners for that target.

Note: For event listeners attached to the event target, the event is in the target phase, rather than the capturing and bubbling phases. Event listeners in the capturing phase are called before event listeners in any non-capturing phases.

This creates an options object with a getter function for the passive property; the getter sets a flag, passiveSupported, to true if it gets called. That means that if the browser checks the value of the passive property on the options object, passiveSupported will be set to true; otherwise, it will remain false. We then call addEventListener() to set up a fake event handler, specifying those options, so that the options will be checked if the browser recognizes an object as the third parameter. Then, we call removeEventListener() to clean up after ourselves. (Note that handleEvent() is ignored on event listeners that aren't called.)

It may seem that event listeners are like islands, and that it is extremely difficult to pass them any data, much less to get any data back from them after they execute. Event listeners only take one argument, the Event Object, which is automatically passed to the listener, and the return value is ignored. So how can we get data in and back out of them? There are a number of good methods for doing this.

The specification for addEventListener() defines the default value for the passive option as always being false. However, to realize the scroll performance benefits of passive listeners in legacy code, browsers other than Safari have changed the default value of the passive option to true for the wheel, mousewheel, touchstart and touchmove events on the document-level nodes Window, Document, and Document.body. That prevents the event listener from canceling the event, so it can't block page rendering while the user is scrolling.

\n The method addEventListener() works by adding a function, or an object that implements\n EventListener, to the list of event listeners for the specified event type\n on the EventTarget on which it's called. If the function or object is already in the list of event listeners for this target, the function or object is not added a second time.\n e24fc04721

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