Email List Building for Beginners

What can you do to build your email list to a significant size if it stands at zero? Many people have heard the expression "The money is in the list". What tactics can we use to build a profitable and responsive email list?

I can still remember the moment my list was at zero. I was overwhelmed by the prospect of building a list.

Good news!

This is a very simple idea you can use today to help build your list FAST. It is said that knowledge is power, and this holds true for building responsive email lists. It doesn't have to make you feel down or frustrated.

Here's one simple, yet effective way to start building your marketing lists.

Create a free report

Many people don't do this, no matter how obvious it sounds. Instead, many people complicate their email marketing plans and eventually fail.

It is possible to create a 4- or 5-page report on a subject you are interested in and give it away for a name/email address. It is important to make your report as interesting, informative, and entertaining as you can so that your readers feel they have gained something from you.

You can create a basic squeeze page, and then add an opt-in form to it with an Auto responder like AWeber. There are many tutorials online that can help you, but it is best to keep things simple and not overcomplicate.

For those who want to really explode their email list building, there is a free List Building Course that offers tons of additional strategies and resources.

This is the fastest and best way to learn these proven techniques from an experienced marketer. Soon, you'll realize that email marketing can actually be fun.