Press EnterSelect Command PromptType diskpartPress EnterFor the full list of diskpart commands and paremeters, go to Commands and Parameters.

When you launch a program from the command line, the Operating System uses the PATH environment variable to search for the program in your local file system. In other words, PATH maintains a list of directories for searching executable programs.

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The JDK's "bin" directory should be listed before "c:\windows\system32" and "c:\windows" in the PATH. This is because some older Windows systems provide their own Java runtime (which is often outdated) in these directories (try search for "java.exe" in your computer, you may find a few entries).

Hundreds of batch file commands exist, however not all of them work on every operating system. Some batch commands are outdated or only work on operating systems that are hardly used or not used at all nowadays. The following list of batch commands introduces the most important commands that work on the most modern computers and systems, and also provides an insight into the world of possibilities with batch file commands.

All the options that you have tried seem to be for Windows 8 in mbr mode,but you are using UEFI, so you should repair UEFI partition; when my windows bootloader got corrupted,i tried the following command.

If your PC uses a Solid State Drive (SSD) rather than a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) it is still safe and somewhat useful to run CHKDSK. However, since an SSD has no moving parts, there's no need to check the condition of the physical drive using the 'chkdsk c: /r' command. Still, since Windows utilizes the same file system regardless of whether you're using an SSD or HDD, the 'chkdsk c: /f' command is still useful for repairing the file system. Other than that command though, CHKDSK isn't really a necessary tool for an SSD. That's just something to keep in mind in case you're about to waste your time trying a list of CHKDSK commands that won't do much for your SSD. With that said, here's how to find the CHKDSK log locations in all recent versions of Windows:

The easiest way to get a quick list of processes that are running on your Windows system is using the tasklist command. To run the command properly, you need to run it from the command prompt as an administrator.

The WMIC command is a perfect example of when an output file is useful. You can output the WMIC process list to a file using the command: wmic /OUTPUT:C:\ProcessList.txt PROCESS get /all. 

On Windows Server 2008, 64-bit, release 2, I needed to run ntpd.exe as Administrator. Right click and go to properties ofntpd.exe. Select compatibility tab and check "Run as Administrator" for all users. In the service settings select "local system account" instead of the special account created by setup. It seems for me, only "local system account" has necessary rights to access "windows time".

 ntpq -p is further not working in Server2008R2 => timeout. I don't understand why ..... but "NTP Time Server Monitor" as replacement for ntpq from the Meinberg website works fine. Also "NTP Time Server Monitor" requires "run as administrator".

 [DJT later comment] This issue may be due to the machine having both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address. Try using ntpq -p instead to force the use of the IPv4 address. The NTP Time Server Monitor only needs to be run as Administrator if you want to use the start and stop service commands, and this is to be expected.

In this tutorial I 'll show how you can get a list of all programs or apps installed (with their full installation package name) on your Windows 10 or Windows 8.1 & 8 computer by using PowerShell commands.

* Note: The output of the above command will be a list with two (2) columns (see screenshot below). Under the 'Name' column will be displayed the full name of the Microsoft App (Name) and at the second column (PackageFullName) is displayed the Full Package Name.


1. If you want to copy & paste the Name or the PackageFullName to another location (e.g. to a PowerShell command), just double-click on it until highlighted, and use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V keyboard commands to do your job.

2. If you want to copy the full list of installed apps to another application (e.g. in Notepad), then:

A. If you want to view a simple list, containing all the Windows Store Apps & the installed packages for a specific user account, give the following command in PowerShell (Admin):

Windows PC's Command Prompt (CMD) is a powerful tool that can unleash a new level of control over your system. Despite its intimidating appearance, the possibilities are endless once you get the hang of it. It allows you to interact with your computer through a command-line interface, giving you more direct control over the inner workings of your machine. From moving and copying files to executing scripts and even running system diagnostics and undelete. With the correct commands, you can automate tasks, troubleshoot issues, and access hidden features that are unavailable through a graphical user interface. Even for those who are not tech-savvy, the Command Prompt is worth exploring as it offers a new level of control and customization to your computer experience. If you want to know the command line list, please click here.

Now you need to install a source which has the recipes for gnuradio and dependents. The easiest method is to clone the chocolatey-packages from the github repository listed above ( -packages), then add the local source from within an Administrative command line session:

Often, when we are on a remote system, we will need to see a listing of the running processes. From the GUI, of course, we can use the Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del), but from the command prompt, we use tasklist.

What if you get net view error 6118 when you perform the net view command in Command Prompt to view the complete list of network devices? Take it easy and this post is written for you. Go to read this article and you can find some useful fixes given by MiniTool Solution. ff782bc1db

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