

 International Transport Costs : New Findings from Modeling Additive Costs, with G. Daudin and J. Héricourt, Journal of Economic Geography, 2022, vol 22 (5), 989-1044

Online appendix; DOI :, see also the Vox Column 

Reforms and the Real Exchange Rate: The Role of Pricing-to-Market », with C. Poilly, 2019, Journal of International Economics, 119, pp. 150-168

Online appendix

Labor market institutions and firms’ location choices, with V. Delbecque and I. Méjean, 2014, Review of World Economics, 150 (1), pp 115-148

CEPII Working paper 2008-12 version "Social competition and firms’ location choices" 

Labor Market Frictions and the International Propagation Mechanism, 2012, Journal of Macroeconomics, 34 (1), pp 199–222

THEMA working paper 2009-05

Location decisions and Minimum Wages, with I. Méjean, 2010, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 40 (2010) 45–59

Business cycle comovement and labor market institutions: An empirical investigation, 2010, with R. Fonseca et T. Sopraseuth, Review of International Economics, 18(5), 865–881

Divergence in labor market institutions and International Business Cycles, with R. Fonseca et T. Sopraseuth, 2009, Annals of Economics and Statistics, number 95/96, July-December 2009

Limited Participation and Exchange Rate Dynamics: Does Theory Meet the Data ?, 2008, with F. Karamé & T. Sopraseuth, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 32 (8), pp. 1041-1087

Pricing-to-Market, Limited participation and Exchange Rate Dynamics, 2007, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31 (10), pp. 3281-3320

Online Appendix

Overshooting and the Exchange Rate Disconnect Puzzle : A Reappraisal, 2004, with J.O. Hairault & T. Sopraseuth, Journal of International Money and Finance, 23 (4), pp. 615-643

Le surajustement du taux de change : une évaluation quantitative en équilibre général, 2002, with J.O. Hairault & T. Sopraseuth, Revue Economique, May, pp. 689-697

Dornbusch revisited, with J.O. Hairault & T. Sopraseuth, In: J.O. Hairault & T.Sopraseuth (Eds) Exchange rate Dynamics, Routledge Editions, London


Working papers

Inefficiencies in Globalized Economies with Labor Market Frictions,  with F. Langot and T. Sopraseuth., submitted. Previously circulated as "Fiscal devaluation and structural gaps", Banque de France Working Paper 508,  "Optimal Fiscal devaluation", IZA Discussion Paper 6624, Document de travail Cepremap 1202.

Online appendix

Quantifying the financial accelerator across countries, with J. Héricourt, J. Imbs and J. Bertin, mimeo

Editorial & referee activities

Editorial responsibilities


Referee reports 

World Development, Economics Bulletin, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Economica, Regional Urban and Science Economics, Annales d’Economie et de Statistique, Economie et Prévision, Economie et Statistique, Journal of Macroeconomics, L’Actualité Economique, International Review of Economics and Finance, Revue Economique, Recherches Economiques de Louvain, Journal of Applied Economics, Revue d’Economie Politique

Research grants

Member of the DEMUR contract financed by the French National Research Agency (ANR) (2020-2024)

Topic: "Decision-Making Under Uncertainty”, under the responsability of Céline Poilly, AMSE, budget of 400,000 euros, with Fabien Tripier and Laurent Ferrara


Member of the ANR contract (2011-2015)

Topic : “Monetary policy, financial constraints and international trade”, under the responsability of Jérôme Héricourt, University of Lille, budget 132 000 Euros, with Jean Imbs, Isabelle Méjean, Céline Poilly, Julien Reynaud, Sandra Poncet, Thepthida Sopraseuth.

Member of the “BQR émergent” project attributed by the Université of Lille 1 (2011-2012)

Topic: “Economic crisis and trade contraction : One single phenomena, mutiplicity of explanations?" under the responsability of Jérôme Héricourt, University of  Lille I, budget of 12 000 euros, with Guillaume Daudin