Insync is one of the best Google Drive alternatives for desktop clients on Linux. The widespread application is a feature-rich Google Drive copy with options allowing you to do anything just like on Google Drive. With its use, you can sync multiple accounts, share files, and receive desktop notifications.

OverGrive is also an excellent choice for anyone looking to enjoy Google Drive features but is on a Linux desktop. The Linux application lets users enjoy features such as file syncing, document sharing, and file conversion to different formats.

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OverGrive also supports major Linux desktop environments, making it easy to install in various Linux distros. The Linux desktop environments making overGrive available are KDE, XFCE, Unity, and Gnome Shell.

GNOME Desktop users enjoy the convenience of an inbuilt Google Drive client (GNOME Online Accounts) for their Linux desktop versions. The application allows users to add their Google account to their GNOME online account under the settings section.

If you want offline access you can add a tool like Insync (payware; multiple account support, desktop notification, symlink support), or Rclone (setup instructions; freeware; command-line to sync to Google Drive, but also Dropbox, Amazon S3, and OneDrive).

I wonder if Proton are trying to avoid supporting Linux desktop apps for Proton Drive as Linux users tend to be more tech savvy and have NAS/servers/DIY backups and so would use more data on average... Which may hurt their profit margins if they only make Drive profits from the average users used storage amount?

Congratulations with launch and right off the bat for the most important question: is there any way to sync files to Proton Drive from Linux desktop? I would really like to drop Dropbox and move to more private solution, without worrying about hosting my own server.

Then only that shortcut disappears. This always happens. So whenever I open any drive all of them would be there in desktop. What I need is for this not to happen. What can I do to achieve that? Can anyone help?

Insync allows users to access all their files on Google Drive locally in the Linux file manager. Users can access multiple google drive accounts and sync their data across multiple devices from Linux.

overGrive is a Google Drive desktop client for Linux and a less costly alternative to Insync. However, overGrive is still a paid-for application. Users are given a 14-day trial period after paying a one-time purchase fee of $9.99.

As a Google Drive desktop client, overGrive allows Linux users to automatically sync Google Drive to their computer and also auto-sync or Backup local files to Google Drive. It also supports syncing shared files and folders, synching multiple accounts, excluding files to synch by their type, and controlling how items are removed from Google drive.

Rclone is a free and open-source cloud storage Linux desktop client that supports the managing of files on cloud storage platforms such as Google Drive. Although it has an experimental web-based graphical user interface, Rclone is a command line program and is ideal for Linux users comfortable working from the terminal.

Google Drive is a very useful tool for any user, particularly developers. However, even though Google is yet to make its desktop client allow Linux users to use directly on their systems, there exist amazing alternatives that allow users to utilize their Google Drive right from their Linux systems.

Hi, so i use this USB hard drive on many different devices including my arch desktop. I usually plug it in and then just mount it using the KDE desktop. This method has worked for me for a while now but yesterday it suddenly stopped working. Maybe its after an update i did? Trying to click "Mount and Open" and it will fail to do so. If i try to do it subsequent times there is no response at all. I then tried to actually use the mount command and it surprisingly works fine. Im able to look at everything in the drive when mounting through that method.

Hey and welcome here, 

you're not the only one facing issues mounting drives and partition.

This issue started for a lot of users few days ago and there are few threads opened regarding the issue.

However, there's a temporary workaround for this (while hopefull this issue get fixed somehow) by manually mounting your drive

The drive does NOT report his sector size so hdparm and all other tools suggest that it is 512 byte (You see this with hdparm -I /dev/sda), what will cause miss aligned filesystem blocks like described in the article above what happens with Windows XP.

More testing

For using WDxxEARS with linux no special software is required. But it is absolutely necessary to partition your HDD correctly. Under Windows XP or under linux using fdisk or parted with default settings WDxxEARS HDDs get partitioned incorrectly. To test, how and where your partitions got created, you can use fdisk:

This is the second part to my data archiving efforts, the first part was usingM-DISC's which you can read about HERE [ -pictures-to-m/]The Tape HardwareI have been looking for a tape drive or library for a...

Tape drives are literally went on their way to the dinosaurs.

Some drives you could get with the ide interface but most were scsi.

The ide ones often worked with windows but usually you had to install a driver to even detect them.

Even when they were detected by bios they could only be accesses through the backup and restore software.

They were not searchable like other media.

You could also use the ide to sata adapter.

While they did indeed store a large amount of data they were damn slow to access.

Tapes themselves were susceptible to magnetic fields and could degrade over time, but usually failure resulted in wear and tear.

It was crucial to keep the heads, rollers, and capstan clean.

The other foible, belt wear!

Unless you got one with direct drive capstain you had to deal with stretched belts and dry rot.

I was looking at LTO-6 cause it fits my current 3TB size quite nicely without compression. In 2 years that would be just 2 drives uncompressed or 1 compressed. I always feel a bit weird about using compression in backups cause it might make recovery a little harder if a little piece of it gets corrupted, is the built in compression something that has these kinds of issues?

Cons: susceptibility to magnetic fields, fragility of the media, ( heat, cold, wearing, stretching, tearing, wrinkling, etc)

Slow speed.

Excessive cost for media, and drives.

Maintenance expenses.

And lastly the magnetic fields of the recorded data itself will fade over time if not refreshed periodically.

5. KDE

i use KDE on EnedavourOS: There is a KDE Plasma Desktop environment also provides a Google Drive integration to its file manager Dolphin. It is achieved through KIO GDrive, a KIO-Slave that enables KIO-aware applications (such as Dolphin, Kate, or Gwenview) to access and edit Google Drive files on the cloud. It is available to install from all native repositories. Furthermore, it requires signing in with KDE Online Accounts to access the drive. Unlike the Gnome counterpart, this one loads the GDrive directory under the network directory. Each time we try to modify a file, it is copied to a local cache directory. Once you finish modifying a file, it will prompt you to upload the modified file to GDrive.

I have not used such tools until now, but I am very interested in the question as I have several cloud drives and I would like to synchronize them with all my devices. recently accidentally discovered spacedrive. the description sounds good and that would be exactly the software i need for my case, but unfortunately the software is still in development.

but I am very interested in the question as I have several cloud drives and I would like to synchronize them with all my devices. recently accidentally discovered spacedrive. the description sounds good and that would be exactly the software i need for my case,

but unfortunately the software is still in development

If you are connecting an external drive and do not have success with these mounting instructions, you may want to try the instructions to Connect USB devices. The wsl --mount command does not currently support USB/flash drives/SD card readers, (learn more about this issue).

If you have mounted a NTFS-formatted drive on your Windows file system, you can access that drive from your Linux distribution using WSL by creating a mounted directory (sudo mkdir /mnt/d, replacing 'd' with whatever drive letter you'd like to use) and then using the drvfs file system interop plugin, with the command:

If you have a Ext4-formatted drive, you cannot mount it on your Windows file system. In order to mount an Ext4-formatted drive on your Linux distribution with WSL, you can use the wsl --mount command following the instructions below.

To list the available filesystems in WSL2, run: cat /proc/filesystems 

When a disk has been mounted via WSL2 (Linux file system), it is no longer available to mount via an ext4 driver on the Windows file system.

Only filesystems that are natively supported in the kernel can be mounted by wsl --mount. This means that it's not possible to use installed filesystem drivers (such as ntfs-3g for example) by calling wsl --mount.

Access all your Box files directly from your desktop, without taking up much hard drive space. Box Drive is natively integrated into Mac Finder and Windows Explorer, making it easy to share and collaborate on files.

And\nwhile users historically would pop a boot media disk into their DVD or CD drive,\nmany computers no longer come with optical disk drives. As a result, booting\nfrom USB media is becoming the standard. How you start that rescue media can\nvary depending on your operating system, but a few general guidelines can help\nget your machine started. So if your system is unstable, you need to run a\ndiagnostic tool on the hard drive, or you want to\nload a Linux desktop just to see what it's all about, let's look at how you\nstart your machine via rescue USB boot media. ff782bc1db

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