
All times are local Lisbon/London times (GMT+1)

Wednesday Aug. 31

(10.00- 11.00) Albrecht Klemm: Calabi-Yau manifolds, modularity and arithmetic geometry

(11.15-12.15) Lotte Hollands: Non perturbative topological strings and 5D BPS states


(14.30-15.30) Roberto Volpato: A fresh view on string orbifolds

(15.45 - 16.45) Aron Wall: Cauchy slice holography

(17.00-18.00) Thomas Faulkner: Asymptotically isometric codes for holography

Thursday Sep. 01

(10.00-11.00) Ben Craps: Bounds on quantum evolution complexity via lattice cryptography

(11.15-12.15) Lárus Thorlacius: Holographic black hole evolution


(14.30 - 15.30) Alejandra Castro: The stranger things of symmetric product orbifolds

(15.45 - 16.45) Thomas Hartman: Wormholes and coarse graining in CFT

(17.00-18.00) Samir Mathur: The nonperturbative structure of the quantum gravity vacuum

Friday Sep. 02

(09.00-10.00) Victor Godet: The gravity dual of complexified SYK

(10.15-11.15) Dario Martelli: Gravitational Blocks, Spindles and GK Geometry

(11.30-12.30) Nikolay Bobev: Large N partition functions, holography, and black holes


(14.30 - 15.30) Sumit R. Das: Target space entanglement and holography

(15.45-16.45) Edgar Shaghoulian: The central dogma and entanglement in de Sitter space

(17.00-18.00) Wei Li: From BPS crystals to BPS algebras