Trusted Teacher tutoring


Tutoring Services

Did your child struggle this year with keeping up in school? Are they trying to find their footing in their academics while navigating this crazy world? Do you want to help your child avoid the "summer slide" and work on some of the fundamental building blocks that will help them be successful? I can help! 

Click here to email me for more information or to schedule your tutoring session(s).

My name is Lisa Smith. Just like you, I am a parent who wants to make sure that my children are as prepared as they can be for the upcoming school year. I understand how important it is to arm our children with the tools they need to be successful.

I am a certified 1-6 educator with 10 years of classroom experience. I have taught grades 3, 4, 5 and K-2 library and so I have experience in all elementary grades. I have also spent one year teaching fully virtual third grade and so if you would prefer that your child learns virtually, I can accommodate you.  

If you are interested in chatting with me about tutoring services, click here to email me for more information,to schedule an initial consultation or if you're ready to schedule your tutoring sessions.





About me

I am a certified educator who received my Masters Degree in Childhood Education from The College of Saint Rose in 2012. I have taught third, fourth and fifth grade, K-2 library and have also spent a year teaching virtually. My strengths are connecting with my students as individuals and helping them to learn and grow. 




In and out of my classroom, I am a strong proponent of using technology in education. Gamification (the art of using games in education) is a wonderful way for kids to have fun and learn too! In particular, my students enjoy problem solving and coding websites that allow them to use their minds in different ways to create and solve problems. Here are some of my favorite websites that I use with my students.