
Current Teaching

During the Fall 2024 Semester I am teaching Math 1171 Calculus I and Math 3332 Partial Differential Equations.  Current students please see the course Blackboard page for up-to-date course information and assignments.

Recent and Upcoming Teaching-Related Conference Participation

In January 2024, I co-organized an AMS Special Session on incorporating modeling into Differential Equations courses.   

Past Teaching

Primary Instructor at Fairfield University

Primary Instructor at Macalester College

Primary Instructor at University of Connecticut

Teaching Assistant at University of Connecticut

Coordinator for University of Connecticut Student Support Services Summer Program

During the summer of 2018, I was the math coordinator for the UConn Student Support Services Summer Program.  The program provides a pre-college experience to first generation college students from Connecticut cities and towns.   I also taught for the summer program each summer from 2016-2019.

Course Evaluations

You can view all of my past course evaluations by following this link.

Mathematics Continued Conference

I co-founded the Mathematics Continued Conference a research conference for undergraduates hosted annually at the University of Connecticut.   I also co-organized the first and second conferences, which took place on November 9th, 2019 and  October 24, 2020, respectively.    The most recent Mathematics Continued Conference took place on October 23, 2021.

Teaching-related Workshops and Activities

I love teaching, and am always looking for ways to develop my skills as an educator! In addition to minoring in educational studies as an undergraduate, I participated in the following.

I recently gave my first conference talk related to teaching practices.

I also participated in the AWM Aligning Actions at Crossroads Workshop in June 2022.

In January 2023, I organized an AMS Special Session on incorporating modeling into Differential Equations course.   I then presented on how to organize a Special Session at the SIMIODE Expo in February 2023.

I try to read at least one book related to pedagogy and academia during each school break. 

2024 Reading list

2023 Reading List

2022 Reading List

2021 Reading List