
Etched in varying shades of ochre and ebony are three figures entwined in a circle. Draconian necks arch upwards, their heads turned to gaze in immovable silence, tufted ears pricked as if listening, nostrils flaring in a long forgotten breath. They guard the land of Rwenen, but there is much more to their story than any legend remembers. Every myth begins with one simple act. 

New Horizons

I race across the courtyard to the stables beyond, the rows of carefully tended herbs and vegetables receding eerily into the fog. Quickly unlatching Sylvan’s stall door, I have her bridled and saddled within just a few heartbeats.

 Sylvan tosses her head, catching my excitement, her dark gray mane glistening like silver with dampness from the fog, her eyes wide with anticipation. Looking around one last time at the only home I had known, the simple, two-story croft with its gabled roof and multi-pane windows, I mount Sylvan in one determined motion.

I tighten my green travelling cloak around my body, pulling the hood low on my face to block out any remorse. Pulling Sylvan away from the stables and the hissing ocean far below it, we move shadow-like into the darkness of the forest. Determined to avoid well-traveled routes, I guide Sylvan toward a faint trail that heads in a westerly direction. Familiar with the twisting trail, we roll into a canter, the mists fading behind us as as the forest deepens.

Loutherian Port

“Land off the starboard bow,” shouts the lookout. By both bloody suns we’ll have a bed that lies still tonight!

“We’ve finally made it,” says Caitlyn beside me. “Now we can actually get something done, and maybe even see some sort of action,” she adds, her eyes glistening mischievously, looking far too content to have been sea-bound for three weeks.

“You mean, as long as our baby sitter doesn’t catch us,” I retort.

“Jarod?” she asks innocently, “He’s not so bad you know.”

“MMMM,” I say as I think to myself, Not if you have a crush on him. Although, he really isn’t that bad. Already he's heading below to rouse Leira. He's a powerful Rwenen, a Warrior at that, not that Caitlyn would be attracted to anything less. Still, he is our superior and trainer and protector all rolled into one overzealous package. He didn’t appear to be all that happy with the assignment to begin with, either-- not until Caitlyn started batting her eyelids. AAAH, here he is, returning with her luggage. Why, she’s practically made him hers already, and he doesn’t even know it. We may get away with more on this trip than I had originally thought!

The Darkness

I jerk Sylvan to a trot, freeing one hand to unsheathe my dagger as he slows beside me. Slashing with all of my strength, I lean toward him as he counters my move, lunging out of my reach, and grabbing the reins from my hands in one motion. The world lurches to a halt and the ground races up to meet me.

I come to at dawn on my side against a tree trunk, seething with a mix of fear and annoyance. As I struggle to rise, hands reach out to steady me.

 “Who are you,” I scream, rolling from the grasp.

 “Hush,” he says, his voice, deep and calm. “I am not here to hurt you.”

“Then why have you captured me?” I cry. I twist myself around to face him.

 “You were plunging alone down a dark trail. That’s not very safe.” Light gray eyes stare into mine.

 “There was something in the darkness...” I begin, trailing off into unsure silence. 

 “You're right, there was. That is why my men and I were watching the trail. My name is Lionel,” he says, offering his hand in the formal manner.