Call for Papers

We encourage the submission of original contributions on both topics (IR and AI) related to legal issues. Treating legal documents as the hypertexts they are by now, this workshop sheds light on this topic as an interesting and challenging use case for the audience of the HT'23 conference which is hosting this workshop. Given the availability of legal documents online, their binding nature and relevance for businesses, institutions, and individuals in their daily lives, it is evident that developing systems that help gather and understand relevant information is crucial. 



 The core topics of this workshop are: 

Well-motivated submissions related to (but not directly fitting) one of the core topics are also welcome. 



Use Cases

Some example use cases relevant for this workshop are: 



Paper Submission

We solicit the submission of the following contribution types:

Papers should be formatted in one-column format, following the official templates and requirements of CEUR-WS:

Submission site:

Submitted papers must not be under review in any other conference, workshop or journal at the time of submission.

All submitted papers will be evaluated by at least two members of the program committee through a single-blind peer-review process, based on their originality, technical quality, clarity and relevance to the workshop. Accepted papers will be published as open access joint workshop proceedings via

Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their work during the workshop, and at least one author of each accepted paper must register for and attend the workshop.