Jynx's Dungeon

Jynx's Dungeon is a game about beating enemies in several waves. You can pick up various spells to help you.

I made the game using the Unity game engine

Photo of me playtesting the game.

New form out! Go fill it out and be part of alpha 1.3! https://forms.gle/hgwTjpdixrYqcTZQ6

Right now there are 8 different types of spells

Fire Spell - Shoots a fireball.

Water Spell - Shoots a stream of water.

Sun Spell - Shoots a beam of light.

Grass Spell - Wherever you click, vines will spawn.

Vampire Spell - Selects a random enemy and shoots a homing spike. After about 20 hits with the spell, the player gets health.

Void Spell- Shoots a large vortex. Only works horizontally.

Meteor Spell - Makes meteors rain from the sky at the mouse position.

Planet Spell - Summons a planet that shoots a laser beam at targets.

(Images displayed in higher resolution)


Alpha 1.2.1 (The mana rework) Delayed, RELEASE DATE UNKOWN. SNapshot available on newgrounds

Changelog (so far)

--New Features--

-Added a coin which has a 1 in 5 chance of dropping after each wave (pickup to get money for the shop)

-Added training mode (BETA)

-UI is now affected by post-processing

-Reworked the mana system

-Mana now regenerates by 15 points every 3 seconds

-Enemies now have a chance at dropping a mana star which gives you mana now creating a use for boss minions

--Nerfs and buffs--

-Buffed falling heart now heals 3 health



#004 - Returning to the main menu on death

#005 - Patched void spell

#006 - Bat animations now show

Alpha 1.2.0 (The Void Update)


--New Features--

-Fixed up the main menu

-Added Waves 11-15

-Added the Zombie King boss

-Added the shop

-Added Star Stone (Buy for 6 coins)

-Added Heart Stone (Buy for 5 coins)

-Added Teleportation Pearl (Buy for 12 coins)

-Added Holy Cross (Buy for 8 coins)

-Added 3 new spells:

-Meteor Spell (Buy for 20 coins)

-Void Spell (Buy for 15 coins)

-Planet Spell (Spawns randomly)

-Added the ability to spawn a random spell (buy for 1 coin)

-Added Undead Warrior enemy

-Added particle effects for the spikes from vampire spell

-Revamped particle effects from skulls

-Added bat animations

--Nerfs and Buffs--

==Nothing to see here!==


#000 <- this time I REALLY fixed getting stuck on walls

#001 -- Menu hitboxes

#002 -- Able to open pause menu on death

Alpha 1.1.1 (Alpha 1.1.0 Bugfixes)


-Fixed Menu on death

Alpha 1.1.0 (The Utility Update)


--New Features--

-Added waves 7-9

-Added pause and main menu

-Added post-processing effects

-Added hearts (pickup to get health)

-Added archer enemy

-Added Game Over screen

-Added music pitch effect when in pause menu or in game over screen


-Slowed down spider enemy

-Buffed sun spell damage to 4 (still 0.5 after hitting first enemy)


-Player doesn't get stuck on walls