Liquid Syllabus ~ Oil Painting 149


Creating & learning about art 

Why is art important? Art is another means of helping people see and better understand the dynamics of our world and how human consciousness impacts it at every level. The world is open to integration and interpretation more than ever before and the effect that art has on us as individuals and as a society is now reaching beyond the borders of any given culture. 

Mass communication – via television, the Internet, and cinema, along with cultural syncretism and networking between nations and even continents, has enabled us as human beings to see beyond ourselves and our own boundaries.

My classes enable you to view images from around the world and in a context beyond a textbook. They are designed to intrigue, inspire and engage you in the possibilities through the study of symbolism, multicultural perspectives and the many layers of meaning within the visual dialog.  

Artists are myth makers and we participate with everyone else in the social construction of reality.  Collectively we seek meaning.  The complex matrices of beliefs, symbols, and words  provide us with individuality and collectively with identity.    

Go to  Log-Into Our Course for more information.        

About this Class:

I'm excited to share my expertise with you and hope you will enjoy the course and painting as much as I do.  Since this is an Intermediate course, students will be producing variations of all the assignments and begin producing a body of work that reflects their subject of interest.

The course begins August 27, 2024 and will meet in room 102 in the Art Building on East Campus Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30PM until - 3:30PM with a 20 minute mid class time break.  This course is taught through Canvas and in person as a Hybrid course Participation is mandatory weekly. A ZOOM link will be sent out through announcements which you will use for the entire semester for Tuesdays. You will need to log into the course via Canvas by August 29, 2024 11:50PM to review and acknowledge your place in the class. 

Get ready to explore and lets find your painting style.

Teaching philosophy

Through the act of observation and the activity of painting we will study the interplay of form and content and their relationship and impact upon one another. 

The class is designed to make you aware of the basic elements of color, composition, how form carries meaning and the visual dynamics of art.  

Communication essentials

Office Phone - 575-6075 

E-mail - 

E-mails must include your name in the subject line. I will get back to you within 24 hours during the business week. I will not be answering e-mails on weekends, late at night, or on holidays unless it is an emergency.

Q&A  Link for you and your Peers

Sign in Now 

Click on the banner link above . This will take you to the Modesto Junior College CANVAS courses, and specifically to this course.

        Q&A  Link for you and your Peers


Phone: MVC – 951-639-5480; SJC – 951-487-3480


Online Tutoring: Log in to Canvas, click on "?" and then Get Tutor Help 

Materials & Supplies for week one- 

        Masonite panels pre-cut -- American Lumber Modesto - (6 panels bundled together) $30.00

Gesso &  Large brush 

PAINTS - Red, Yellow, Blue, black & white


Palette Paper-

Palette knife -

brushes shown above


Blue tape

As many rags as you can for cleaning - Free

        Containers (plastic or metal) - Free

(There is no text book for this course)

Color Wheel reference

Note terms on the right.

Palette Knife 

DUE DATES & Project # 1

Aug 27 - Instructor INTRODUCTIONS – CANVAS & supplies 

Our Pact - This class will introduce you to the elements and principles of oil painting.  Each assignment will reinforce and emphasize technique, spacial illusion and basic composition skills. We will study contemporary artists in order to develop a fresh and exciting personal visual dialog. The class is designed to intrigue, inspire and engage you in the possibilities through the study of symbolism, multi-cultural perspectives and the many layers of meaning found in the visual arts.  Videos and lectures are mandatory.

My Philosophy:  Through the act of observation and the activity of painting we will study the interplay of form and content and their relationship and impact upon one another.  The class is designed to make you aware of the basic elements of color, composition, how form carries meaning and the visual dynamics of art. Advanced students will be producing variations of all the assignments; producing a body of work that reflects their subject of interest.

What to expect from me:

     home-page updates, discussions and give you prompt feedback.

What I expect of you: