
Monday, April 24, 2023 - Morning

9h30-10h00  Welcome

10h00-10h45  Jens Lemanski

"Ontological relativity, model theory, and philosophical issues"

10h45-11h30  Laurent Dubois

"LDL  Theory And Trans-Referential Modelization Of Russell Paradox"

11h30-11h45 Coffee break

11h45-12h30  Sylvain Lavelle

"Logic beyond truth. One problem, two systems, four axioms"

Monday, April 24, 2023 - Lunch - 12h30/14h30 - -  L'Ecritoire - Place de la Sorbonne

Monday, April 24, 2023 - Afternoon

14h30-15h15  Tatiana Denisova

"On the logical grounds of Greek ethics"

15h15-16h00 Andrei Rodin

"Kolmogorov and Voevodsky on the Scope of Logic"

16h00-16h15 Coffee break

16h15-17h00 Francine F. Abeles 

"Christine Ladd-Franklin’s Life in Logic: Mathematics, Philosophy, Rapprochement"

17h00-17h30  Launch of the book

Tuesday, April 25, 2023 - Morning

9h30-10h15 Reetu Bhattacharjee

"Computing with Diagrams"

10h15-11h00 Jean-Yves Beziau

"Is p and ¬p a contradiction?"

11h00-11h15 Coffee break 

11h15-12h00 Viviane Durand-Guerrier

"The resolution of contradiction - A lever for developping logical-mathematical skills"

12h00-12h45 María del Rosario Martínez-Ordaz

"The relativity of paraconsistency in science: Some reflections on different contradictions in scientific contexts"

Tuesday, April 25, 2023 - Lunch - 12h45/14h30 -  L'Ecritoire - Place de la Sorbonne

Tuesday, April 25, 2023 - Afternoon

14h30-15h15 Ioannis Vandoulakis

"Mathematical reasoning and logical principles in ancient Greece"

15h15-16h00 Katarzyna Gan-Krzywoszynska and Piotr Lesniewski

"Logic as a Basic Form of Politeness"

16h00-16h15 Coffee break

16h15-17h00 Arnaud Plagnol

"Implication as representation"

17h00-17h45 Jean-Pierre Desclés

"Formal Logic and natural languages : some interactions"

17h45-18h00  Final discussion