
Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM)

I sit on the local board of BEAM and also volunteer as a tutor. BEAM works with underserved students with high potential in mathematics to build realistic pathways for them to work in STEM fields.

Math CoOp

I am an alumni member of the Math CoOp at Brown University, which is a group of students, postdocs and faculty with a shared passion for math outreach.  As a member I presented fun and interactive demonstrations at various elementary schools in New England about the importance of mathematics in applications ranging from card tricks to DNA sequencing!  An example presentation I gave on DeBruijn sequences can be found here.  The presentation is based on a card trick and mathematics explained in Chapters 2 and 3 of the book Magical Mathematics by Persi Diaconis and Ronald Graham.  If you are interested in using the presentation at your own location, feel free to contact me for slides and tips for presenting.