Lion Schulz
Hi! I am a data scientist at Bertelsmann, Europe's largest media company. I previously completed a PhD at the Max Planck Institute For Biological Cybernetics where I was part of Peter Dayan's Department of Computational Neuroscience.
At Bertelsmann, I am working on a wide range of data and AI problems in media, from books to TV shows and journalism. During my PhD, I studied how biological and artificial agents come to trust themselves and others, combining methodology from machine learning, behavioral economics, and neuroscience.
Before my PhD, I obtained an MSc in Cognitive and Decision Sciences from University College London where I worked with Steve Fleming. During my PhD, I was a Fulbright Scholar at MIT, doing research with Rahul Bhui. I also did machine learning for leading mental health tech company Limbic.
Narrative Information Theory
Schulz, L., Patrício, M., & Odijk, D.
NeurIPS 2024 Workshop on Creativity & Generative AI
(Mal) adaptive Mentalizing in the Cognitive Hierarchy, and Its Link to Paranoia
N Alon, L Schulz, V Bell, M Moutoussis, P Dayan, JM Barnby
Compuational Psychiatry | [link]
Political Reinforcement Learners
Schulz, L., & Bhui, R.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences | [link]
Detecting and Discouraging Deception via Anomaly Detection
Alon, N., Schulz, L., Barnby, J.M., Rosenschein, J.S. & Dayan, P.
AAAI Workshop on Collaborative AI and Modeling of Humans | [link]
Detecting and Deterring Manipulation in a Cognitive Hierarchy
Alon, N., Schulz, L., Barnby, J., Rosenschein, J.S., & Dayan, P.
arXiv | [link]
Mechanisms of Mistrust: A Bayesian Account of Misinformation Learning
Schulz, L., Schulz, E., Bhui, R., & Dayan, P.
PsyArXiv | [link]
Between prudence and paranoia: Theory of Mind gone right, and wrong
Alon, N.,* Schulz, L.*, Dayan, P., & Barnby, J.
ICML 2023 Workshop on Theory of Mind in Communicating Agents | [link]
Emergent deception and skepticism via theory of mind
Schulz, L.*, Alon, N.,* Rosenschein, J.S., & Dayan, P.
ICML 2023 Workshop on Theory of Mind in Communicating Agents | [link]
A (Dis-)information Theory of Revealed and Unrevealed Preferences:
Emerging Deception and Skepticism via Theory of Mind
Alon, N.,* Schulz, L.*, Rosenschein, J.S., & Dayan, P.
OpenMind | [link]
Playing repeated games with large language models
Akata, E., Schulz, L., Coda-Forno, J., Oh, S.J., Bethge, M., & Schulz, E.
arXiv | [link]
Metacognitive Computations for Information Search: Confidence in Control
Schulz, L., Fleming, S. M., & Dayan, P.
Psychological Review | [link]
A (dis-) information theory of revealed and unrevealed preferences
Alon, N.,* Schulz, L.*, Rosenschein, J.S., & Dayan, P.
NeurIPS 2022 Workshop on Information-Theoretic Principles in Cognitive Systems | [link]
Dogmatism manifests in lowered information search under uncertainty
Schulz, L., Rollwage M., Dolan, R.J., & Fleming, S.M.
PNAS | [link]
2019 - 2024: PhD in Neuroscience, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
2018 - 2019: MSc in Cognitive and Decision Sciences, University College London
2015 - 2018: BSc in Psychology, Technische Universität Dresden
since 2023: Data Scientist | Bertelsmann
2023: Machine Learning Scientist (part-time), Limbic
2019 - 2023: Doctoral Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics (Peter Dayan)
2022 - 2023: Fulbright Scholar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Rahul Bhui)
2022: Machine Learning Intern, Limbic
2018 - 2019: Graduate Researcher, Wellcome Center for Human Neuroimaging, Metacognition Group (Steve Fleming)
2018: Intern, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, IMPRG NeuroCode (Nicolas Schuck)
2016 - 2018: Research Assistant, TU Dresden, Chair of Lifespan Developmental Neuroscience (Shu-Chen Li)