
Our policy is to protect your privacy when using our website, and is outlined below:

We do not collect personal information automatically


When you visit our website, we do not automatically log your IP address and information about your visit, such as the time, the pages viewed, and the browser used. Any programmes that do so, such as Google analytics collect data anonymously and does not identify you as an individual. Statistics are compiled using this information, enabling us to monitor use of the site.

Cookies are not used on our site (cookies are automated tools which enable websites to identify and track individual visitors, sometimes without their knowledge). The Information Advertising Bureau website provides more information about cookies. The IAB site also tells you how to remove cookies from your browser. We collect your personal information only when you provide it to us.

We safeguard any information that you provide to us

If you choose to contact us, we will handle any personal data that you provide to us as follows:

- Your data will be used for the service you have requested.

- If you are a private individual, we may send you further information but only if we have obtained your details in the course of, or in negotiations for, providing a service to you, and if the information is about a similar service. Otherwise, we will obtain your explicit consent first.

- Your personal information will be held securely and will be safeguarded against unauthorised use, disclosure, alteration or destruction.

- We will not disclose your details to third parties without your explicit consent

You can opt out or update your details at any time

You can opt out of any of distribution lists (we do not maintain any), or correct your details, at any time. This applies whether you are a private individual or a member of an organisation. Contact us HERE.

We are not responsible for other sites to which ours is linked

This privacy policy does not cover any links within this site linking to other sites, and we are not responsible for the content of such sites.