Yun Hui Lin

Senior Scientist

Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC),  

Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore

isemlyh [at] gmail [dot] com

📢: Our institute and research groups are looking for visiting Ph.D. students in the areas of AI, Optimization, and Maritime Operations.

        If you are interested in working with us, please do not hesitate to send me an email😁

📢: We have two Ph.D. projects with 4-year scholarship (joint programme with Nanyang Technological University):

Please contact me for more information and possible scholarship opportunities if you would like to pursue your Ph.D. degree with us.



Research Interests

I am interested in Choice-based Operations Management, Location Analysis, Transportation & Logistics, and AI-assisted Operations Research.

My papers have appeared in refereed journals such as Production and Operations Management, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, European Journal of Operational Research, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, etc.

Journal Publications

* denotes Corresponding Author

Conference Papers & Reports

Selected Working Papers

Lin, Y. H., Yin, X. F., and Tian, Q. "Unlock efficiency: End-to-end optimization learning for recurrent facility operational planning". Under Revision. (AI + Optimization).


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