System shutdown/reboot is inhibited when automated tasks are performed. The logs are now persistent and rotated in /var/log/mintupdate.log. APT locks no longer make the manager fail, it simply waits and retries later. The refresh mechanism uses timestamps instead of timeouts so that the manager is no longer affected by suspends or reboots and it can be configured to periods longer than the current session. The checkAPT component which scans the list of updates no longer runs as root. Level filtering and obsolete options were removed. man pages were added for mintupdate and mintupdate-cli. 

 The list of updates refreshes automatically when the APT cache is changed. The info dialog updates in real time. A warning is shown if a reboot is required after a kernel update. A warning is shown 90 days before your version of Linux Mint reaches End-Of-Life. Infobars are shown together and easier to dismiss. A spinner page is shown while the Update Manager refreshes the list of updates. A dedicate page is used when a new version of the manager itself is available. 

Linux Mint Kernel Download

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The cache used by the Software Manager was moved to mint-common, turned into a Python module and given the ability to recognize manually installed software. This is achieved by analyzing the installer logs coming from Ubiquity. As a consequence, the Backup Tool and the Software Manager are able to share the same cache and to list not only the applications which were installed via the Software Manager, but also the applications which were installed via other means.

New kernel always comes with new features and more driver support. So updating a kernel is probably a good choice sometimes, or may even become essential if the present kernel has some serious bugs or lacks some useful driver support. Driver support is a frequent problem for the laptop users, sometimes the drivers are not included in the kernel, sometimes the proprietary dirvers are not installable in the current version of kernel ( this criteria may even need to downgrade the kernel). So it is frequently required to deal with the kernel version by either downgrading or upgrading. I am going to discuss about mainly two methods of installing a kernel. The first method is for LM/ubuntu specifically, and the secod method is a generic method (compiling & building from source).



 #1. Installing kernel specifically built for LM/ubuntu:

 W: This method is for the installation of the original linux kernel from If you don't know about the complete specification of your hardware then don't use this method. And this source build will lack some additional drivers and feautures which is added by ubuntu later. This may be avoided by compiling the ubuntu specific kernel source ( ) but that's not my intention here because the method #1 is the best approach to do that. This second method is only for learning purpose, don't expect it to give you a full featured desktop.


 1. First download the source package from here:

 5. Menuconfig will run a confinguration menu, where you will be able to configure everything about your kernel, which driver to install, which firmware to install etc. You can make your kernel light/small sized by making intelligent selections. To select or deselect press "spacebar". You can run make allyesconfig instead of make menuconfig to select all things at once without going for the trouble to make individual selection, but that will considerably increase the size of your kernel.

NOTE: This is NOT official and is done as I need folks on Mint using the correct kernel. 6.2 is not going to be amazing. The recommended, tested, supported OEM C kernel will be far, far better.

Right now, the AMD target kernel we want folks on is 6.1.0-1023-oem - but this may evolve in the future. 6.1.0-102x-oem in the future. We use a Zenity alert tool on Ubuntu for this. You will need to do this manually or customize it yourself .

Again, this mini-unofficial guide is for Linux Mint, not other distros.

I noticed that a recent update was taking a long time to complete so I looked the details and found multiple instances of items such as update intramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-92-generic being processed. These are evidently related to installed kernels but, since they are clearly old versions, why are they being processed and so stalling completion of the update process?

The fix that I adopted was in two parts. Firstly, I ran Grub Customizer, an application that I had installed earlier to facilitate simplifying the boot menu (see Updating the GRUB2 boot menu). This allowed me to restore Ubuntu with Linux 5.4.0-109-generic from the Removed items section in order to place this item back in the List configuration tab. Next, having selected this item and using Up-arrow, I moved it to the top of the list. Rebooting the computer then caused the 5.4.0-109 kernel to be booted and made this the active kernel for future boots.

Is linux-lowlatency the same as RT? There is a kernel build option called PREEMPT which gets most of the benefits of latency reduction patches, but does not utilize the full RT patch. The full patch results in an additional build option called PREEMPT_RT. Some distributions ship a kernel marked as low latency with PREEMPT defined, but without the full PREEMPT_RT patch. If those distributions have a full RT kernel it would typically include RT or rt in the name.

The page I could find with Ubuntu kernel versions was not explicit which build options were used for the linux-lowlatency build.

I guess it might be based on kernel v6.5.0. If you need the latest version then you may need to clone the repo and build it yourself (I built the kernel myself). You may find the file in focal-mainline-builder useful.

Congratulations on your perseverance !

Whilst there are many different Linux distros ( Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora etc) they all use the same kernel. The kernel is what makes Linux, well, Linux.

The other thing to remember (especially when searching for help on problems such as hardware compatibility), is that Mint is based on Ubuntu.

Ubuntu, in turn, is based on Debian. Therefore, any advice that mentions Debian or Ubuntu ( or any other Debian based distro) is likely to be helpful for Mint also.

While my Kernel is this :


 tried to update by the way u said to 4.25, after i finished, and did uname -r still had the same kernel.

I did my update manager and drive manager, finished the recommended ones..

Last but not least, I had no wifi. After poking around I found this post and ended up installing a new kernel per this post (in my case I chose 4.4.0-24 since that seemed to be the latest at this time)

Mint is built on top of the Linux 5.15 kernel. This kernel comes with numerous new functions. These include a new way to read and write to the NTFS file system and an in-kernel Server Message Block (SMB) 3.0 server. Together, these help Linux desktops work better with Windows-based file systems and file servers.

Kernel bump aside, the Edge ISO ships with the same Linux Mint experience, with the same features, and the same package versions as the regular installation image. (Sidenote: existing Linux Mint 21.2 users can install this kernel as well using the Update Manager tool).

Upgrading the Linux kernel can be difficult, especially for new Linux users. In Linux Mint, however, it's possible to upgrade to a newer kernel with zero hassle. Today we'll find out how to do it, and what to do if you experience problems.

The Linux kernel ensures your device's hardware acts properly in response to input and running applications. It's also highly involved in resource management, getting the maximum performance out of your processor.

The Linux kernel development team releases new kernels regularly, with updated drivers and new drivers for hardware not supported in previous versions, as well as other improvements. You can see the latest kernel releases at the official project site.

You might find that your kernel is significantly older than the latest kernel release. That's because certain distros, like Linux Mint, ship with older kernels to ensure stability. That older kernel is more reliable and more likely to work with the distro's unique software, thus reducing the chance of kernel failures.

It's possible after upgrading the kernel that your hardware begins to act strange, software you regularly use starts crashing, or your PC stops working at all. Don't panic if this happens. You can temporarily rollback to a previous kernel by accessing the GRUB menu at boot.

My Thinkpad X220 runs Mint Linux 19.3 Tricia. it's not dual boot. When I tried to upgrade recently the new kernel was 5.3.0-42 but it won't boot that so currently using 5.0.0-32.I get error messages USB not accepting address error -110. Eventually it just hangs or I get bored and power off! Same happens if I try a live Ubuntu USB stick. I've edited my GRUB menu so the working kernel is default but I'd like to use the latest. I don't even know how to retrieve the error logs from the failed boot. When I use dmesg I just get the stuff that is currently working. Can anyone help please.

I had another go at updating the kernel to 5.19 on Mint 21.1 today.


After installing kernel and restarting, an update is offered for the HWE components.

Now both my Nvidia driver and VirtualBox install work correctly with 5.19.

I note that the Nvidia drivers have also received an update in the last few weeks.

If all the hardware components are supported and working fine, I disable kernel updates. One advantage with Fedora, not sure if other distros have this, is there's an option to keep an older kernel version and restore it when the current kernel have issues. I think 6.* Kernel releases are mostly to support newer hardware. e24fc04721

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