Linux From Scratch (LFS) is a type of a Linux installation and the name of a book written by Gerard Beekmans, and as of May 2021, mainly maintained by Bruce Dubbs. The book gives readers instructions on how to build a Linux system from source. The book is available freely from the Linux From Scratch site.[1]

Automated Linux From Scratch (ALFS) is a project designed to automate the process of creating an LFS system. It is aimed at users who have gone through the LFS and BLFS books several times and wish to reduce the amount of work involved. A secondary goal is to act as a test of the LFS and BLFS books by directly extracting and running instructions from the XML sources of the LFS and BLFS books.

Linux From Scratch Iso


A clean partition and a working Linux system with a compiler and some essential software libraries are required to build LFS. Instead of installing from an existing Linux system, one can also use a Live CD to build an LFS system.

This is the upcoming version of LFS. It has been marked for release as stable in the near future and is in the meantime considered to be under testing. Major components of the book should stay unchanged from day to day, but minor adjustments and bug fixes may be applied while the book undergoes testing.

This is an upcoming variation of LFS. It will be released as stable in the near future and is in the meantime considered to be under testing. This version uses systemd and the required packages and boot process are significantly different from standard LFS. Major components of the book should stay unchanged from day to day, but minor adjustments and bug fixes may be applied while the book undergoes testing.

Many wonder why they should go through the hassle of building a Linux system from scratch when they could just download an existing Linux distribution. However, there are several benefits of building LFS. Consider the following:

LFS offers you added security

 You will compile the entire system from source, thus allowing you to audit everything, if you wish to do so, and apply all the security patches you want or need to apply. You don't have to wait for someone else to provide a new binary package that (hopefully) fixes a security hole. Often, you never truly know whether a security hole is fixed or not unless you do it yourself.

Hi! I've been working on writing a RISC-V emulator on scratch blocky code and just last week I released it! It took months of work but here it is (use the turbowarp link so it runs with any kind of speed)


So I'm already running Arch (despite being a relative noob, I like how its well documented and just works most of the time *cough, most*), and was wondering how it differs from something like Linux from scratch. Since when you install just plain Arch its just a terminal and you need to install everything that you want on top of that.

Let's say you're building gcc 4.1 with gcc 3.2 (I'm going to call that gcc 3.2 "stage-0"). The folks who did QA for gcc 4.1 didn't test it to work correctly when built with any compiler other than gcc 4.1 -- hence, the need to first build a stage-1 gcc, and then use that stage-1 to compile a stage-2 compiler, to prevent any bugs in the stage-0 compiler from impacting the final result.

The primary reason for the multi-stage build is to eliminate every vestige of the build host's programs/config/libs from the resultant software. It's not enough to have fresh software compiled. You also have to avoid any and all references to the host's libraries, the host's kernel interfaces (kernel headers), the host's pkg versions, and all other such dependencies on the host system.

LFS eases the process somewhat by building simple x86-to-x86 binutils and gcc cross tools in Stage 1, then installing the headers for the kernel to be used in the final system, then glibc. Stage 2 (binutils and gcc) is built using the cross tools, which guarantees that the host's programs/libs/config are not used at all. The rest of the toolchain (I call it Stage 3) is built using the tools from Stage 2. Now the final stage can be built (with a few small adjustments) with the assurance that no part of the build host will be referenced or used, and that no part of the toolchain will be referenced or used. The final stage is built using a path much like PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/tools/bin; thus as the final tools are built, they will be used instead of those in the toolchain.

First, it should be known that this process follows a book that is freely available at The book is updated from time to time, and there are several versions of it (ex: systemd or not). I am attempting to complete the systemd adaptation. There are also many videos online of people walking through the steps. I find watching such videos can be very helpful to watch.

LFS is constructed from a host environment that has the software required to build and compile all the components of the system. This host system can be a current Linux install, a seperate computer that is dedicated to LFS, or a Linux virtual machine. The LFS system is then assembled in a another partition, or even on a separate hard drive.

I've finally managed to build a working Linux system from scratch following version 11.1-systemd of Linux From Scratch (LFS), after failing my first attempt about a year ago. This post aims to share some of my experience and tips from completing the project.

LFS assumes a certain level of familiarity with Linux systems as you might expect, since building and installing various components of a Linux system from the ground up is no small feat and requires a lot of time and patience. First-time Linux users are definitely advised to try beginner-friendly distributions such as Ubuntu and Fedora, and gradually work their way towards more advanced distributions if desired. I personally found my LFCS background to be crucial in understanding the instructions presented in the LFS book, though LFCS certification (or equivalent, like RHCSA) is not a hard requirement. If you've successfully installed and managed a "difficult" distro such as Arch, Debian or Gentoo, then LFS might also be a logical next step.

If you do have a computer to spare that does not contain critical data, it can be used to attempt LFS, since in the event that you mess up, it is possible to simply re-install a functioning system and re-attempt LFS from there. It is also generally considered more educational to install LFS on bare metal compared to in a virtual machine (VM), though a drawback is that messing up may mean that you may have to forego days of hard work and start all over again.

The more convenient alternative, which I also chose, is to attempt LFS inside a VM. This way, VM snapshots can be made such that in case a mistake prevents the VM from booting and system rescue does not work, the VM can just be rolled back to a working snapshot and LFS can be resumed from a known good state instead of starting over from scratch.

Given that you have a working knowledge of the Linux command line, most of LFS is actually rather straightforward as the majority of commands presented in the book can be copied and executed as-is without modification. Though the compilation process for certain system components like GCC can take a lot of time ranging from hours to days on end depending on your hardware specs, so patience is key.

I followed Linux from Scratch 8.0, which is the latest stable version. You will build a Linux system based on the Linux Kernel in version 4.9.9. There are three major points, making LFS a great project for a couple of evenings, which I discuss in the following. Finally, I wrap up my lines of thoughts in a quick conclusion.

What is really needed to end up with a bash shell? Which package depends on which one? What are all these libraries in my libs directories good for? There are many questions you could pose here. LFS makes you realize what it takes to build a minimal Linux system. For instance, it made me realize what forms binutils, coreutils and util-linux. Tools that I use on a daily basis, I took them for granted but never knew where they came from.

LFS is Learning by doing, no beating around the bush here. You build a Linux system from scratch with your bare hands! After theory comes implementation. The stuff you learn here should be applicable to a wide range of Linux-related problems. Be it building your own cross-compiling toolchain as you actually do in LFS, be it building your custom Linux system for an embedded platform.

Furthermore, for those that would like to get into OS development, Linux from Scratch allows them to review certain key concepts like the toolchain of linker, compiler, assembler, which are critical to OS development. Before diving into OS development, I would certainly recommend going through LFS to see how to glue components together to an OS.

In the end, I invested several evenings to build the whole system, even though my initial SBU was less than five minutes. In retrospect, time was invested well. Can I now compile my custom Linux distribution and ditch my Ubuntu installation? Probably not, but it is a start and some may dive deeper into this topic because of Linux from Scratch. For me, the next thing to do is Beyond Linux From Scratch and to have a look at how exactly security features like PAM are incorporated in a Linux system.

As previously mentioned, make sure you assign a static IP (you wrote down that IP from the beginning, right?) that can reach the outside world, either by using NAT or Bridged settings under NIC settings in VMware Workstation.

I tried to make an operating system with my on custom built kernel. It didn't work out too well. I am using Ubuntu and have downloaded Linux 3.2.7 from . I am not trying to change the kernel in my Ubuntu system. I want to make my own OS with Grub, the Linux kernel and I want to be able to have this homebrew OS in a file type (such as iso) that I can put on a cd and boot on another computer. My question is: what exactly do I need to make this OS? Any comments or tutorials would be helpful. 006ab0faaa

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